Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Blade Warrior

In November I went down to Florida to train at Mike Lee Kanarek's school to become certified in his Blade Warrior system. Mike Lee is an expert fighter in Israeli Tactical Knife fighting and continually enhances and upgrades his system within the HaganaH foundation he formed. Prior to this I had done a few certifications with him, but this was by far my most favorite certification so far.

I love learning. I love adding to my repertoire of knowledge. I love also seeing the value in new innovative material in the world. Many people like tradition, and being a traditionalist myself, even I can understand the value of innovation. Well learning from someone of the caliber of Mike Lee Kanarek, you can't help but be awe inspired by the material and insight of such a warrior.

It was the same day also that Paris got attacked by terrorists. Can you imagine what it was like being at the top counter terrorism instructor in the county's school while this was happening? You can bet that current affair effected what was being taught in this certification, and to hear what he had to say about it.

The best and greatest warriors, like Mike Lee Kanarek, know that it is important to stay current and to constantly evolve with the times, otherwise you become obsolete. His experience is beyond priceless and to have the opportunity to learn from someone like him is really a treasure. I am already certified in the Gen 2 knife scenarios in the F.I.G.H.T system, but that was a part of the certifications. But we also went over phenomenal principles and combatives involving knife on knife fighting, different grip scenarios, legal aspects, and even home invasion tactics.

Mike Lee is also very structured, and a master educator. He understands how to educate the ones who will be educating others. That's true leadership. The law of reproduction to to recreate other leaders with the skills to develop students who can replicate the skills needed to be effective in the real world. Even the practical application of learning with repetition and drilling, all the correct aspects of true learning, its always such a blessing to see a true master at work and a true teacher teaching.

But Mike is also a pioneer who creates. He is always evolving his system and how to make it better. Just when you think you get it, there's a wave of change he finds that makes it better! In the certification for Blade Warrior we not only learned the material but it's origins, and understanding where it came from, how it works, why it works now, what was added to it, and the understanding of why. This holds true to any system and style. But some styles of martial arts and fighting do become stagnant and out of date because the leader do not seek how to better their systems. This is where Mike Lee always has the advantage.

Three days of working and drilling, and I really couldn't get enough! Working with Mike Lee Kanarek is always motivating, inspiring, and you leave with a plethora of knowledge and insight! This certification was in November. This weekend I will be meeting with him and a group of instructors and Black Belts for the brand new "Striking Militia" certification Mike Lee to be used as the striking curricula in the system beginning this year. I am sure I will be coming back all pumped as I always do! (BOWS)

I will be doing a Blade Warrior Seminar at my school on Sunday February 28 11-1pm! email me at tmafcinfo@gmail.com to sign up and get more information!

Yours in service,

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