Thursday, June 26, 2014

Respect in the Name

I have many teachers from grammar school, middle school, and high school that I have always kept in touch with. I was friends with them even as a student. I visit many in their homes, social events, family get togethers, many in my own home or my parents' home, lunches and dinners, and I did all this during my time with them as a student and to this very day.

But there is one thing I have always done also: Call them by their last name. To me, this is a great mark of respect you must always give to the ones you hold in highest regard. My art teacher, Richie Fuchs, when he retired said to me "Call me Richie." He still says this every time I am on the phone with him. I know he really wants me to, but I always and WILL always call this man Mr. Fuchs.

I am in touch and on a constant basis for years with my Spanish teacher, Senora TenHoeve. Never once have I ever called her Donna. She will always be Senora TenHoeve as that is my sign of deep respect for her. I am friends with Dawn Schwarts and Cherie Kline. They are Ms Schwarts and Senorita Kline always. Mrs. Verost will never be Cindy, Mr. Sheridan will never be Mike, Mrs. Campbell will never be Callie, and Mrs. Sears will never be Sharon.

This goes ESPECIALLY for my masters and mentors. When I speak to Master DeJesus, it is Master DeJesus. He likes Sam sometimes, and once in a while he gets it, but I respect him so much I always refer to him by his last name. Same goes for Master Balon, Master Bardatsos, Master Williams, Mr. Ward, Mr. Checkley, Mr. Duke.

It also, to a degree sets a boundary, and it is a necessary boundary. Maybe boundary is the wrong word, but to me, it always provides that level of respect knowing in what high regard you hold for those people. Even as my friends, the position of someone I respect so much will always take priority.

Now my friends who I call by first name, does that mean I respect them any less? Absolutely not. I have friends who are so dear and special to me, some who have taught me so much and done so much for me too, I respect them just as much, some more or less than others. But just like love, there are different levels and categories of respect. Even my landlady, a greater term of endearment is not her last name but calling her "Nonna".

Always keep in mind respect in a name. It goes a very long way and is something that needs to be remembered and reminded. For the teachers and mentors in your life, always keep the respect in the name itself. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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