Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can you find anything else good?

In one of my audio tapes that I have from one of my favorite gurus, there is a story about a boy named Moses. Moses was bad news. he dressed very goth, was arrested 16 times for drug possession from cocaine to heroine, and arrested 5 times for stealing cars, and hehad tatoos all over his body with swastikas and one tatoo saying "Satan I am coming home."

A woman named Mrs. Bukowski was going to do a program at his high school and try these self-esteem courses to see if she can help turn these kids around and asked for the files of the most difficult students the school had. Moses stood out completely. And in his file, it said every year on the first day of school he was kicked out of class for throwing a desk at the teacher. Moses had a very bad anger problem.

Mrs. Bukowski met with all the students she wanted to enroll in the program including Moses. He agreed to do it but after the first two days of the program, Moses was a no show. So Mrs. Bukowski drove to his house and knocked on the door and met his father and saw Moses. Moses said he wasn't sure if he wanted to do it, but she encouraged him to try to come the next morning at 9.

The next day Moses walks in a half hour late. Mrs. Bukowski greeted him with a big smile "Moses! Great to see you! Here are the rules we made up the first day of class, this will be your group, this is the activity," and then Moses was really getting into the class and getting involved!

A little while later, Moses asked Mrs. Bukowski that he had to go the the bathroom. She said "Sorry Moses, according to our rules, bathroom break is at 11:30." Moses said "No you don't understand, I have to go to the bathroom now." Mrs. Bukowski responded "No, Moses, I understand. You have to go to the bathroom now. But our rules say not until 11:30."

At this point, Moses picked up his desk and Mrs. Bukowski thought time foze, and her mind went right to Moses file: picks up desk and throws at teacher. She told him to put the desk down, he shouted an obscenity then threw the desk at the wall and ran out.

After the class Mrs. Bukowski drove to Moses house where his father opened the door and tried to explain. But Mrs. Bukowski interrupted. "No sir, let me explain something to YOU. Every year for the last 10 years, Moses has thrown a desk at the teacher on the first day of school. Today, under a highly confrontational situation Moses picked up his desk, and threw it at the WALL! MOSES! THAT'S PROGRESS! I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING!" She turned around, and walked out!

...............The next morning at 8:15AM, Moses walks in! Mrs. Bukowski said, "Moses! What are you doing here so early??" In which Moses replied, "Mrs. Bukowski, you are the first person EVER to see something good about me. I wanted to come back to see if you could find anything more....."

Sometimes, we need to look into a magnifying glass to find even the smallest speck of good in someone. A true master would be able to do that in any situation. Like so many others, I struggle with this notion, but at least I am aware of it to give it a try, and have been trying for a few years.

But there ya go! TRY! So I will always be TRYING. I have to DO. Ya see! Gotta catch yourself! Self-analysis is a good thing. Granted, people also make their own choices and if they choose to make damaging choices, you have to properly respond, but make it your own business to take out that magnifying glass and look for that one speck of goodness, and focus all your energy into that alone! It's a challenge, but never impossible!

Yours in service,

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