Tuesday, February 17, 2015

TMAFC Moves!

Do you see this photo above? About five years ago I sat in this very spot visualizing what this place would look like. I signed my lease January 2010 and had to wait three months before going in front of the town's planning board to present my business Trento's Martial Arts and Fitness Center to become an official establishment of the town. Hours before I was to stand in front of this panel with my attorney I went to the storefront and sat in this very spot.

I remember the thoughts and the feelings that were coming up. I was excited. I was nervous. I was wondering what the hell was I thinking. I remember thinking it was so surreal that it was actually happening. I was thinking it's about time. I was thinking I can't believe it's time already. Five years ago when I sat there, there was a wall down the middle with two different color ugly rugs on either side. But I kept visualizing it as one room, the mirrors on one side and red and black mats on the ground.

June 2010, I opened up the two storefronts into one dojang and Trento's Martial Arts and Fitness had a home after being in backyards, basements, and garages for over a year. I remember how many people were around for that time, who anxiously awaited the opening of this school. The excitement of making a dream come true. Putting all I taught into action on such a level. It was a representation of all I taught, it was a place where people would be safe and grow, it was a happy place. It was a home.

As I wrote in my previous blog, 2014 has got to be one of the worst years I ever encountered in my life. One of those things was a new landlord of the building my school was in. It made the business side very stressful and sucked the life right out of me. It also prevented me from doing what I wanted to do for the future of TMAFC. When my lease was up, and after months of negotiations not going anywhere, it was time for me to make a huge and difficult decision. It was time to say goodbye to this location and seek elsewhere.

Two of my most loyal students Thomas Cubby and Nicole Vidal ready to help with Project Relocate.
Robert helped (did all) of the disconnecting of the security cameras. 
I looked at many places but nothing was seeming to work out. Then an idea came to my mind. I began teaching again at my mentor's gym where I got my start. The building has changed tremendously over the last seven years and it's where I originally wanted to be 6 years ago but no opportunity was available at the time. Now there were a few spaces not being utilized and I thought maybe I can relocate TMAFC within the gym which has been so good to me over the years and that I loved so much.

To spare you with all the details, after weeks and weeks of talks and figuring out details, all was arranged for TMAFC to move to my hometown of Saddle Brook within the very place I got my start in Strive Health and Fitness. The old landlord gave me 4 days to leave instead of 30 and crunch time was upon us.

I don't like asking for help unless I really really really REALLY need it. I also have a habit of declining help when offered as to not feel like an imposition to others, even though the offers are genuine and kind. But this time, I was feeling the pressure and needed to make a few miracles happen. Project Relocate was in full swing and we were in code red.

Some great friends, signifcant others, loyal adult students, and even mentors helped that day. The first person on the scene was my dear mentor Master Kevin Balon. I was startled when I saw him walk in and so happy he was there, it meant the world to me to have him there for this occasion. Another mentor Ms Pamela Gedman came with her pickup truck and her student Michael Ramirez who has been a good friend to us offered his time with the move. My wonderful students and friends John , Ara, Nicole, Thomas, and Derek were all present to help break down the mats, remove the mirrors, pack up equipment, move furniture, and drive it over to our new location.
John and Ara helping break down the mats.
Thomas, Nicole, and Derek helping with the equipment. 
Derek, Ara, John, and Master Balon working the mirros. 
Everything was done in one day. 
Master Balon teased me that I'm the only instructor who still taught classes the day he moves his school and that I chose the coldest day of the year to do it on! I knew he was keeping me as light hearted as can be during this process. But truth was I was really good. I was not getting as emotional as I thought I would be. I was happy this was on my terms, and I was really excited to be going where we were going. I was wondering, has it hit me yet?

Truth was, I couldn't wait to leave this location. I was ready and it was time. Silhouettes and unnecessary stresses are gone and I have made my commitment to TMAFC and my students and in order to make it the very best, hard choices have to be made. We packed up three or four trucks and cars and we caravaned over to Strive for the new location of TMAFC. It would be the first time the others walked into this building. We walked in and I gave them a tour and their reaction was so validating for me.

I was still nervous. I didn't know what to expect and a lot of unknown still lingered. But their positive reaction was great and I needed to see that. Their approval was appreciated. We then set down the mats. Ara and John began to tease Master Balon and I because we had a very strict system of how to lay down the mats. I mean after all we are the most nit picky instructors you can find, setting down mats is no different!

Once things were set in the room where we would be in for now, we went back to see if maybe we can do one more trip to rid the rest of the belongings I had. Ms Gedman and Derek's trucks were life savors! We were able to transport everything else out and be done with the entire move! TMAFC was officially relocated and there was NOTHING of mine in the old location. After everyone had left Robert asked if we could go to the old location one last time.

We had dinner and then went to the old place. I picked up a few small items and knew I would need to return one last time to give someone the vending machine we used to have there. I scanned looking for anything I may have missed. As I said, I was really okay during this whole process. Everyone was great help, everyone was supportive, Master Balon and Ms Gedman were both proud of me being so proactive during this time, I was excited and had ideas and plans up the wazoo. Everything was going to be alright.

Then it was time to go. As I turned off the lights to walk out, Robert turned to face where the flags used to be and gave his final bow to the old location. I was fine until that moment. It was the last bow that got to me. I don't know if it was the gesture of one of my long time students showing their respect to a place that meant just of much to him as it did to me. I don't know if it was because he is the last one remaining from the origins of it all. I don't know if it was because that really was the last time I'd be there as "TMAFC". Whatever it was, it was in that moment that it all caught up to me.

We had a mini version of a disco ball as Master Balon has in his school. It was only fitting that he remove our mini disco ball for the move. 
The crew getting ready to make the move. 
My adult students and Strive staff getting along already! And they remember me from back in the day!
The official room of Trento's Martial Arts and Fitness Center in Strive Gym in Saddle Brook. 
Time. My Aunt Karen's words always ring in my ears. Time. It gives you just what you need when you need it. Time changes things. But when it comes to people, I don't believe we change, we are just learned. The old location gave me the beginning to establish what I have. Now the real fun begins. Tremendous growth and movement. My students are as excited as I. 2015 is already proving to be a fantastic year.

People were surprised to hear about this move. They were more surprised to find out how long it really took to make this all happen. Truth is, I kept my mouth shut to the very end (except for the actual move I only had 4 days to work with! I thought I'd have 30!), and only the ones in the circle will know the full story to anything. No more back stage passes. The circle stays small but the magic remains grandeur. We are three weeks in, and things have been going fabulously.

I love being around one of my mentors day to day once again. I love having people around me. I love being a part of great energy and adding great energy myself to an establishment I have always loved and respected and has given me that in return. I want to say a very special thank you to Master Balon, Ms Gedman, Mr. Ramirez, John, Ara, Nicole, Thomas, Heather, Derek, and Robert for all their help with the move. I also want to thank all my students, parents, and fitness members for their love and support and making this move very easy and believing in me to continue with me.

I went back one last time to give the vending machine to my friend Master Hasan from the AAU Adirondack district. We put it in his truck and he drove off. I took that moment to take five minutes to myself. I sat in that very spot I was in 5 years ago where the first picture above was taken. Here we are, I thought. I began to see the flashbacks of all that was there that began my school's journey. I remember the first Black Belt test held there for Jackie, Andrew, and Erin. I thought of the Grand Opening and all who came. I thought of Kristin Barrett's 2nd Degree test and first time visitors we had. I thought of our first competition team. I thought of the first time Master DeJesus did a seminar. I remember the first time Master Balon visited. I remember the first time Sifu ever came to the school in a surprise visit and presented me with the Hung Ga emblem. I thought of the cardio classes my Aunt Karen would dance in. I thought of the private sessions Dawn, Katrina, and Michele and I did. I remember my 4th Degree pretest. I remember my first birthday party I did. I remember the first time Grandma Cyn and Olegna saw the school. I remember when Master Stone and Stacey were there for the first time. I remember Sal's Qigong seminar he did. I remember the laughs in the kickboxing we would share. I remember the Raindrops and hypnosis sessions I did. I remember training for my Kung Fu test and studying for my Qigong therapy test.

I am grateful for the last five years at my first location. There are many masters and instructors I have spoken to about their experiences changing locations and their times at their first one. But the truth is, the martial arts school is just a place. The business is not it's location (despite when people chant location location!). The business is me. The school is wherever I go. I am grateful for a lot of new. I am excited for a lot of new. I am enjoying a lot of new. There are lots of students who are eager to learn from me, I am even more eager to give all I have. The gospel of Trento continues everywhere I go and not only in New Jersey. TMAFC is going to be bigger and better than ever, and it's students and members are getting nothing but the best. And that  I am proud of. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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