Thursday, March 31, 2016

We Get What We Focus On

This is a huge part of my teachings. Different levels of focus in positive perspective. Anyone who has ever trained under me in the last 20 years can recite this word for word.

The most powerful animal in the world is the human being because of their unbelievable power to think. A theologian will tell you that God has given human beings the gift of free will. If you put these two concepts together, we have the blessing of having free will to thinking.

The ability to make choices is so important. You can choose good, you can choose bad. You can choose positive, you can choose negative. We control our EAR (Effort, Attitude, and Responses). We are 100% responsible for these three things and it has to do with choice. We feel certain things, but we choose what to do next and how to continue feeling about it.

If I asked myself, "Why am I so stupid?" the mind gives you an answer. If I ask "Why am I so smart?" I STILL get an answer? Which is the better question to ask? (I hope you said why am I so smart).

If my radio is not working and I ask "Why is this not working?" my focus is on "not working" vs if I ask "How can I fix this?" I guarantee I will find a way that fixes it. This is how we shift our focus from one thing to another.

I remember walking at Montclair University with a bunch of books and it was snowing. I kept saying "Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall..." What's the last thing I said? FALL. What did I do? I FELL! I laughed of course, knowing what I did wrong. Got all my stuff and then continued, saying "Steady, steady, steady..."

I love questions. Questions is the act of thinking. Ask the same question more and more and over and over and the deeper your thoughts are. The deeper your thoughts, the more questions are answered. The more questions answered, the clearer your mind becomes. This is why I ask questions all the time, sometimes just to hear, to gain perspective, validation, to answers I already know, maybe it's why I love interviewing too. The answer is not important unless asked the right question.

We usually use board breaking as an example of this in, martial arts. Remember thoughts have a frequency, no matter how large it is. If I face a board and say "I'm going to break this! I'm going to break this!" but in the far back of my head that little thought of "But will it hurt?" pops up, my focus is cut 50/50. If I had 50 thoughts in my head out of 100% of focus they each get 2%. This is why many of us run around like a chicken without a head. When we focus and take one thought at a time, life moves forward.

We get what we focus on PERIOD. I understood the law of attraction years before the Secret, because of martial arts. I've seen people cure illnesses and beat impossible odds in life because of this focus. I've done it myself. Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show. This is how we unintentionally affect other people too. Worry and fear for the worst is collective energy that does not serve. I'm not saying being in denial, but maintaining a positive state for ourselves and others is important for positive results.

Focus on needing, you will continue to need. Focus on wanting and you'll always want. Focus on trying and you'll always try not do (I have an issue with this word). Focus on wishing, and you'll only be wishing ever.

Focus on what you want. Not what you don't want. Focus on what you have, not what you need. Focus on doing, not lack of doing. It is not our abilities that define who we are, it is our choices. What do you choose to focus on? (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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