Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Input = Output

I have been teaching fitness almost as long as I have been doing martial arts. I have had some excellent training under me in understanding things most people do not know when it comes to fitness and nutrition, and even things that is not published and taught out in the world that in beneficial to people's health. It is very important to me that I teach people how to be the healthiest they can be. But sometimes it can be a challenge.

Over the years, I have always had the challenge of being "the young guy" and working with many people older than me. Especially women. I've worked with more women in fitness and nutrition than men that I can actually say confidentially I may understand a woman's body better than a man's. But I also get great results with women clients, at least the ones who listen to me.

Two of my mentors have said the same thing: Success is not a straight path, it is a clump of zig zags that lead to the same outcome. However, everyone takes a different path of that zig zag to get there. As long as they continue on the path and not stop moving. But my old master used to say something to me that had many layers to it, but was so significant to the philosophy of success: Input equals output.

What you put into your goals, your work, your actions, the amount of effort you give out will contribute to the level of success one will have. EFFORT is one of the three things in "EAR" that we control. Over the years I would have people exercise in my fitness classes, whether it be at TMAFC today, when I worked at the gym, or at my old martial arts school. There would be ladies going through the motions or not giving it their all. I even had one lady who refused to sweat o__O.

We all like to complain. Some of us are addicted. And we all do it! I am guilty of this too! But before we go to our complaining, we need to really look at our behaviors and habits to see if we can really justify ourselves. Are we CONSISTENTLY giving our all into what we are doing? I am not just talking about working out. But it's a good example. Projects we set for ourselves. Goals we make. Actions we want to choose or habits we want to acquire. What prevents us from achieving all these results?

Not doing our best at all times. Are we allowed to have bad days? Hell yeah! But if you are not consistently pushing yourself to do the very best and give your all, the output is gonna match the level of input you gave. What you put into your workouts, what you put into your goals, what you put into your convictions, is what you're going to get out of them all.

So for everyone who wants to be fit, put your best into your workout. Yeah moving is good. But if you're not really doing the best of your ability, do you think you're still going to receive the same results? DISCLAIMER: This is not pointed out to anyone I currently know in my classes, this has been said to be by several people I have worked with over the course of nine years or so: BUT I would have people working out just doing a motion with no enthusiasm or in a lazy fashion, or perhaps talking. And I would bust their chops in a jokingly way to get them moving stronger and faster and more INTO their workout. And the response I would get is "Well I'm still moving, aren't I?!" And that's why people do not see results.

Be determined despite the odds! Be motivated no matter what! Do the best you can and be happy you do your best and make your best BETTER! Raise your peak! Allow your motivation to give you drive to the point of inspiration, so it can carry you! (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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