Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What Makes Me ME

There are so many things about us as individuals that make us who we are. Sometimes it's traits, phrases, personality-isms, well known likes, etc. There are some sayings that I have that anyone and everyone I have ever been with or taught mock me all the time. "I KNOW!" "It's Exciting!" "Nothing is sacred anymore!" "You think it's easy?" "FINE-AH!" "Three....Fawh...Five.." "I love going to New Yawk!" "You'll miss me one day!" "OH..My..GOOOOD" "Angawda!" "That's what you said? That's where I heard it! I was just making sure you were paying attention!"

Sometimes it's mannerisms such as facial expressions or sounds we will make. Something I love about myself that makes me ME is how my laugh is the loudest one in the room! I love that kind of trait of myself. I tell a lot of stories, and I repeat a lot of them as if I never told it before. Some people are polite and hear them again, some go crazy of my repetition of stories, and some love hearing them over and over again, whether it be a Sifu story, a Jessie story, a high school story, or a Grandma Cyn story.

Sometimes our likes and dislikes we are remembered for. I am sure ANYONE who ever heard the I Love Lucy theme song or sees an episode of I Love Lucy will think of me IMMEDIATELY! If anyone were to see a Mickey Mouse, I am sure I'd be the one to pop into their head. If someone heard Christmas music playing or a Celine Dion song, I am sure my picture would flash across their mind. If someone who knows me was having dessert and they read cheesecake, I'm the one they think of. If there is pasta on the table, I'm the one they're reminded of. And of course anything martial arts related I'm the first in line in their thoughts.

I love to take pictures. I love watching movies of all genres. I love television shows. I love Broadway plays. I love Harry Potter. I love the Yankees. I love Leonardo DiCaprio. I love Jennifer Aniston. I love adventures. I love cooking. I love Chinese food. I love pulled pork. I love coffee. These are the things I love and when I am enjoying them, I am being me.

But the truth is, none of these things really make up who I am. What really makes us who we are, are the values we live by. Sometimes we have a hard time following the rules we place for ourselves, but the fact that we have established them in the first place is big. Our choices, not our abilities define who we are. We are constantly making choices, we are constantly changing, we are constantly feeling and thinking. We fail sometimes, we make mistakes, but the core of who we are is truly the intentions of our values. Sometimes our behavior does not match. But behaviors come and go, some long term, some short term.

In the end, do the things you love because they remind you of what brings you love and enjoyment in life. When you are doing those things, it's easier to be you. It's easier to remember your goals. It's easier to remember who you want to be. I am happy to be me. And so should you. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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