Friday, March 28, 2014

Lacking Communication

Do you know how many problems in the world could be solved if people just communicated? Now I know some people feel they cannot say what they feel, or they won't be heard or listened to. But you know what, when it comes down to it, who the hell cares. Just OPEN YOUR MOUTH. Say what you want! I cannot tell you how many places in my life I have seen people revert to silence.

YOU HAVE A VOICE! SO use it! Interaction fuels action! People say, why bother it doesn't matter. Or, eh it won't make a difference. I find this lazy and immature. Maybe I am different. I don't know. In my opinion, I didn't care how often I'd have to say what I have to say. I don't care if nobody wanted to hear me, I didn't care if I sounded repetitive. But I always knew that I would at least always make the effort and never had the regret that I didn't open my mouth when I could have.

My thoughts were out there, I was honest, people didn't have to agree, people didn't have to follow what I said, but I made sure I was heard. Sometimes to no avail, sometimes only to be spoken to in return with a renewed view of the circumstance, or even with a solution. Sometimes no solution was offered, but honest communication can go a long way.

I think one of the biggest hurts in the world is when someone says something and does not mean them. Or has a lot to say to a lot of people, but never to the person the words are intended for. It's aggravating to me and immature how people run their mouths and when the opportunity presents itself, even at several times, people still won't open their mouths. I do not respect that.

I have a flaw that sometimes there is no censor between my mind and my mouth, but the people who know me best, or the longest, know not to take anything I say personally because I say what's on my mind but it never takes away from how I feel about the person. There are some idols of mine like Lucille Ball or Walt Disney who had that quality. Even people in my own life like my Aunt Karen or music teacher, Mrs. Verost, who just said what was on their mind, the tone didn't matter, and I respected them for it.

What annoys me also with people when it comes to communication is not necessarily WHAT is said but HOW it is said. GET OVER IT PEOPLE! Grow up! It angers me when grown adults do this! It's a huge sign of immaturity sometimes when people are too wrapped up in the gift wrapping the package is in, but not what's inside the box itself.

This is a huge problem in our world and our society. People lack effective communication. If you have a problem, speak up. If you see something wrong, speak up. If you feel strongly behind something, open your mouth. If you're wrong, be willing to admit and say so. If you are correct, do not rub it in others faces. If you have a problem with other people, don't be running to people all over but not the person you have the problem with. People don't even have good etiquette when it comes to that. It's really sad.

Maybe schools should put more of an emphasis on communication classes instead of some other academic classes out there. It is getting scarier and scarier how people don't know how to talk; how to speak; how to effectively communicate. In Rotary, there were the 4 way test I think all people should use in communication:
          1) Is it the truth?
          2) Is it fair to all concerned?
          3) Is it beneficial to all concerned?
          4) Will it build good will and better relationships?
Bottom line: OPEN YOUR MOUTH. Say what you have to say. Use the words intended for an individual for THAT individual only. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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