Friday, August 17, 2012

Anger Into Laughter

"We love to laugh, loud and long and clear
We love to laugh, so everybody can hear
The more you laugh, the more you fill with glee
And the more the glee, the more we're a merrier we"
-"We Love To Laugh", Mary Poppins (August 27, 1964) 
"Holding onto anger is like grasping onto a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
Andrew Kranich has been my student for almost seven years. And in those seven years, a very strong friendship had been formed. We have had phenomenal bond but the friendship's process had a lot of struggle and challenges in between. Needless to say, the friendship prevailed stronger than the challenges and only made the friendship ten times stronger. We cannot look back at the nonsense of the past with any regret or shame.

But Andrew had built up and held onto a lot of anger from the past. I was taught years ago by a teacher that anger keeps us connected to the things we don't want. It's the most perverse thing in the world. But in reality, it's the anger that hurts us more. Andrew was mad at how people and circumstances had made such chaos in his life at one time and hurt many people. After recently letting go of a lot of anger myself, I tried to share with him the grand relief that comes with letting go of such anger. He asked me if I'd be able to spiritually purify him.

I have done anointings before, but I haven't had much practice in purifying spiritually. And the ones who I knew did so would use their own Qi and energy and it actually would be more damaging for the person healing than the one being healed. But I have been taught by great Qi Masters to use not only the energy of yourself but from the "eternal source of the universe" (God) that is abundant. I thought it would be appropriate to use the Purification Oil, since he was seeking purifying himself.
As I used the Purification Oil, I allowed spirit to guide me in moving the negative Qi throughout his body and mind to one central spot. I allowed my spirit to speak to his and asked God to bless his spirit and allow him to receive the blessings and good Qi that were to come his way. As I worked on him, he began to get emotional. Spirit told me that he felt as I did, that all his energy went into this anger that without it, he won't know what to do. He'll feel empty without a purpose. I told him he would not be empty and allow for Love and Faith to fill him up. Go to the positive reference points and memories and fill yourself up with them and allow for new love to fill him up.

Andrew began to get emotional. He was going through a process. Every person is different in their responses and reactions to a spiritual process like this. I could actually feel the anger and negativity being drawn from all over different meridians of the body coming into the center. It was from there that I asked God to help me pull it all out of him. It was a lot. As I spiritually pulled out the negativity from within him, I tried to keep myself shielded from it as well. I didn't want any of it to latch onto me.

In the meanwhile, I reassured him that the past is in the past, it's no more. Past is an illusion. Leave it there. The future is an illusion. Let it be. Be in the present moment and feel gratitude for the present love in his life. You can physically see the relief beginning to descend upon him and the calming affect take over. Then I had prayed over Andrew with the Prayer Against Evil that was used when I needed protection from negativity. I prayed to God to purify him and give him peace.

Then the most amazing thing happened. Andrew began to laugh uncontrollably. I smiled, I was not nervous at all. Because I understood exactly what was happening. I have been taught that every emotion has an "other side." For example, the opposite emotion of betrayal is trust. The opposite emotion of anxiety is confidence.

Some people will think they know the opposite emotion of anger. But I'll tell you that 95% of you will get it wrong. You see, anger is a negative expression of an emotion. A negative outburst, if you will. SO what is a positive expression of an emotion, like an outburst of positivity? LAUGHTER! The opposite emotion of anger is laughter! Andrew began laughing so hard, his stomach hurt and he was crying. All that anger just transformed into laughter. COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED as I was praying to God to purify him.

ALSO, and I totally forgot this, but the oil to use for anger is Purification! I was using the right oil for the right emotion. The affirmation "My direction is clear." And for Andrew, his direction looked bright. I kept thinking of Mary Poppins when they laughed so hard they were lifted high into the sky. They were "high" on laughter. That kind of abundance we should all have in our lives.

Yours in service,

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