Thursday, August 16, 2012


Purpose plus determination equals success.
-My old master, Sahbumnim

Years ago at the end of August of 2002, I was training for my Black Belt test under my old master as an advance brown belt. The test was a little over a month away. My master had this away-training camp out in Washington, NJ at a place called Camp Bernie. We slept in cabins, did archery, obstacle courses in the woods, jogging on the mountain, it was a very cool weekend. One of the things there was mountain climbing. I used to always be afraid of mountain climbing. But I was taking my martial arts training very seriously and knowing how close I was to Black Belt, I had to apply what I knew because I was taught Knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power. 

Other students were afraid, some began but didn't finish. While other students were around and we were talking, I quoted a lot of things I was taught by my master of the time. Where's there is focus, there is no room for fear to enter; Progress is the key to motivation; Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Purpose plus determination equals success; Knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power; etc. I said this because I felt it as a duty as an "almost Black Belt" to share with other students, and then do it myself. I went on the mountain climbing, my legs shaking a little bit with fear, but I climbed for the first time ever to the top and rang the bell. I demonstrated determination. I'll never forget how my old master silently smiling and making that face to himself, acknowledging that he was hearing me and liked what he was seeing. It made me feel proud. I think it would make him proud to know I still teach his lessons.

That's the back story. I went to Six Flags Great Adventure with some new friends, my brother, and a couple of my Black Belts. I used to LOVE going there. I remember going once with the Friars of Old when Kingdaka first opened! The last time I went to Six Flags was probably around six years ago in my junior year. Well I was invited to go and I took the chance to go and I didn't regret it at all! I had such a fantastic time!

We went on just about every roller coaster you could find, took a lot of pictures, and ate like pigs. I also had some break out dancing moments I couldn't help at the expense of embarrassing my brother >=) . Earlier in the day, I was denied a ride because I was wearing sandals and you're not allowed open toe shoes to go on this ride. I didn't care how stupid the ride was, I was upset and felt rejected, like a five year old being told he can't do something but everyone else can! My friends kid around and said they'd get me a stuffed animal #NeverGotIt. Toward the end of the night, we were winding down and there was this game where you had to test your balance and climb to the top and ring a bell to win a GINARMOUS stuffed animanl prize.

Well my friends jumped to the chance. But while watching my Black Belt, Erin, climb the ladder, I had a flashback of Camp Bernie. She really wanted to win the giant stuffed Pikachu stuffed animal for me. She was soooooo determined to do it. And she kept quoting the lessons I have taught her over the years. I have only seen this determination from her on Black Belt tests. Erin will be testing for 2nd Degree next month in September. She even commented that this ladder climb was like her Black Belt test. She claimed I WILL get it. I WILL win that Pikachu! I WILL! You get three chances to try for five bucks. 

Every time she fell, you saw more and more of that determination to achieve what she was after. The more I watched, the prouder I was. Not that she was trying to win me a stuffed animal, but to see that level of a 2nd Degree Black Belt determination. As a Black Belt, you use the lessons of martial arts in your life, even the smallest things. When her three tries were up "GIVE ME MY WALLET!!" She would continue on. "FIVE DOLLARS!" If she had $1,000 and still was having trouble, she'd blow the whole grand. Each time she got closer and closer, she honed her focus. Erin said to the staff member in charge of the game, Ryan, she is "going to win this." He responded "I'll believe it when I see it." Erin's response was beautiful! She said "Don't put your faith in what you see!" Now THAT is a Black Belt answer!

I was so proud of her. It's that kind of determination I always hoped to see in her. It's that level of determination I can't wait to see and test next month when she is challenged for her 2nd Degree. I have known Erin for seven years, since she was nine years old. I have been there for a lot of good times of her life, and a lot of struggles. I have had the privilege of watching her grow into a beautiful, bright young woman, full of DETERMINATION. Her 2nd Degree Black Belt test is going to be one of the most challenging things she will have to go through. But she can do it. It's the same determination she had to win that stuffed animal she will be demonstrating. The same way I demonstrated to my old master at Camp Bernie while mountain climbing. I am already proud of her. It was great as the master to see out in "the real world" a student applying the lessons you teach. I can remember the look and smile my old master had, hearing me quote him at Camp Bernie. The theme of Erin's test has been set. Carpe Diem! 

 Yours in service,

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