Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hugs Not Hate

In spirituality, in psychology, in life, the duality that exists stem from two very opposing sides. Love and Hate. God and Satan. Spirit and Ego. Love and Fear. One cannot be more different from the rest. Sometimes we act in accordance to our love in the world. When we do things that are love-based vs fear-based, we make better decisions for our lives, we interact better with people, we response instead of react, and we are solution minded with our selves, circumstances, and with others.

When we come from a place of spirit, we make a "truer", if you will, choice that aligns us the our higher selves in fulfilling what we are meant to do with our lives. My mentor taught me that in each religion there is a "satanic" being and the word Satan in Hebrew means opponent. And that Satan uses ego to get people to do his dirty work. He uses superstition, paranoia, arrogance, and hatred to control people. And people who succumb to these traps end up suffering a worse punishment unto themselves. Remember, God and religion are two different entities, don't confuse the two.

"Love one another: that was his greatest commandment." You will find this line in the bible. Not a church going person? That's fine, you don't have to be in order to exude love unto others. To come from a true place of Love, one can find TRUE gratitude, TRUE forgiveness, TRUE happiness, despite life's circumstances. When one comes from a place of hate, only chaos and destruction can come forth.

Hate must not be met with hate. There are some people in the world who would love to convince themselves that they are not "hating", they just feel justified by their anger, or their view of reciprocity, or they are indifferent and not caring. But the truth is, sometimes inaction can be just as bad, if not worse, as an act of hatred. I have said in many blogs you should never go out of your way to hurt others and hope for the suffering of others. And karma, a very real spiritual energy in this world, goes a long way.

I have taught over 15 years about bullying and abuse. We all are guilty of doing it in our lifetime, consciously or subconsciously, and we have all been victims of it as well. Growing up, any sign of hate or bullying, or abuse, acts of ignorance always enraged me and I wanted to stand up for it. Maybe it's my martial arts training. Maybe it's a accumulation of my own life experience.  Either way, I stand up for what I believe is right.

For the second time, in the back of my school, there was a large group of kids gathered. A fight broke out between two people. When I heard it, I ran and opened my door, and I couldn't believe how fast these group of kids ran. I was enraged. I don't know what made me more angry. The fact that one kid decided it was a good idea to throw punches to physically hurt someone just because the other kid was irritating. The fact that the opposing kid felt he had to egg on and antagonize this person because of peer pressure. The fact that a group of kids were pressuring their peer to such an act. Or the fact that a group of what seemed like 20 kids stood there and watched everything and did nothing.

Trento is pissed. Evil thrives when good men do nothing. People say "I don't want to get involved." or "It's none of my business." MANKIND IS OUR BUSINESS! Shame on anyone who says otherwise. We are taught to cower away and stay out of things, ignore it all. So what people are being taught is to do nothing which sends the message it is okay to allow HATRED in our world because we won't do anything about it. I already called the parents of the two kids. I am calling the principal. The principal will say well it didn't happen on school grounds. Too bad, that's where the problem stemmed. I am going to get into this school and do something. 

Some people may say it's too late. Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, especially if it brings in more good in this world. Especially if I can get a love-based mentality. Motivation and encouragement is needed for these kids and they need to get it from somewhere. They need to be taught how to be human beings, not just math and writing. I will make a difference.

Enough of pissy attitudes, arrogant hissy fits, ignorant remarks, close minded actions, entitled behaviors. Enough is enough. This is why there is discrimination against races, cultures, sexuality, skin color, religions, and things need to change. And they will.

My brother put this video up on his Facebook wall. Growing up, watching movies, TV shows, or hearing stories of such hate and ignorance always made me angry and emotional. I believe in mankind too much and have faith in the people we can be. People cannot lose hope. This video had me in tears mostly because I was proud of the responses of some of the bystanders, but the last bystander took the cake. I am a new fan of her acronym H.U.G.S: Helping Us Grow Spiritually. We need more HUGS in the world. I am a big hugger. Studies show 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 for growth. We need to do more hugging!

Yours in service,

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