Wednesday, July 9, 2014

An Unexpected "Official" Gift

As I recently blogged in my last post of my experiences officiating at the AAU Taekwondo Nationals. I got to center a lot as a referee and felt very confident in my calls, and was mentored greatly by Master Joe Hasan and Master Jeff Jenkins. They challenged me, gave me opportunities they felt I could manage, and also shared their own experiences and gave advice and tips that would make me better.

Nothing has more value than when experienced and well respected individuals, such as these masters, share with new upcoming people such as myself. I learned from other officials who have officiated a national tournament before as well, and I also got o observe a lot as well. Sharp hand signals, authoritative voice, how they moved around in the ring, how often they kept their eyes on the screen checking and verifying calls of the corner judges, paying attention to the coaches, and how they took control of the ring.

To be an official you have to have a really good eye. But as Master Pham repeated to us all, the more you do it, the better you get. As simple as that. And it’s the truth, for anything of course. Practice makes better. Nothing is ever perfect (except for my hair =P) but you can always get better. People who know me well are rolling their eyes reading this as I say this all the time. But it’s true.

Most people know I do not like my birthday. It is certainly not the most favorite day of the year. It has nothing to do with me getting older, nor am I in denial of my age. But it’s a day I never enjoyed for personal reasons so that’s that. People who know me best know I hate it even being acknowledged, I used to deactivate my Facebook account so no one could say anything. It has been a good many years now. But one thing I loved was that the AAU Nationals are always the week of my birthday. YES! A great reason to leave the state and NOT celebrate.

This year, what better thing for me to do than work! I loved it! I officiated sparring ALL day! From 8am start to about 5pm I officiated all day. It was wonderful. People ask me, don’t you get lonely on your birthday? Not at all. Especially after this year, solitude from this day was no problem for me. I remember leaving the convention center toward my car and before getting in the car I stood looking over at the water just taking a moment to relax. It was a simple moment, but had great meaning to just BE.

 After the day was over, I was invited to spend a little time with some of the other officials at their hotel. I opted to pay a visit before they left for dinner for a little bit. I did not spend a lot of time there, but the small amount of time I did spend was absolutely delightful. Bobby Stone and Stacey Stone were absolutely gracious along with Debbie and Jacob Hooper and Taylor Wauford. Before I knew it Joe Hasan joined in, and we all just chatted away and enjoyed each other’s company. We laughed a lot and had many a friendly conversation.

These guys have no idea how in that very moment how very happy I was just sitting there with them. I knew I was exactly where I needed to be. These guys made me feel so welcome and that I belonged there, it was a birthday gift I did not expect to receive. It was in that moment that I knew exactly what it was I wanted to do on my birthday each year, and that was to spend it like this with this group of people if I could. Because just being there with them in that room brought me such happiness, and I was very happy to have been included.

They invited me to dinner with them, but I had to respectfully declined. I really had to go and I did get to see that night Mary Ellen and William (more on them later).

I’m sure that hour or so had no where near the same significance for them as it did for me, but I want to thank them for such a wonderful time and for including me in their time. It brought me great happiness and was a gift I wasn’t expecting to receive. Thank you. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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