Monday, August 4, 2014

The Trento Reunion 11th Iteration

For eleven years, the Trento family from all over gather to be together. I never met some of these Trento cousins until the first gathering we had at Lake George in 2004. That first reunion had my Uncle Johnny Trento and my Aunt Theresa (Tee) Trento, my New Hampshire cousins, my Rome NY cousins, Connecticut Trentos, and all us Jersey Trentos. We went to Lake George for six years at a few different places. Then three years in Rhode Island, and last year for year ten we were in Connecticut.

Eleven years later, Uncle Johnny and Aunt Tee have passed. We have had nine new baby Trento's. We've had new significant others join the reunion. And Grandma Cyn and I are still room mates and have a blast together. But one thing that remains the same: the unconditional love. We truly look forward to seeing each other each year and some we get to see on a few special occasions during the year now.

Once upon a time there were four Trento brothers: Frank, Fred, Johnny, and Rudy. My grandfather who I never met passed in 1982, and his closest brother Frank died not too long after from a broken heart, literally. The family did not see Uncle Johnny much over the years, so it was a blessing to have him come our first year, and Uncle Rudy was the grandfather to us all to the Jersey Trentos.

My Uncle Frank always wanted a girl, to the point he wanted to adopt a girl! He had three wonderful boys who he was so proud of. If he were alive today he would have seen over a dozen granddaughters and great-granddaughters. The Jersey Trento's covered the boys. My cousin Matthew and I in particular do really look forward to our trip to seeing the Trento's and just spending time with everyone.

Grandma Cyn and I have been room mates at our reunion for several years and each year we have something new to talk and laugh about. I am very close with my grandmother and we talk about a lot together, and share much, and always have good laughs. Rooming with Grandma will be a treasure I will always be grateful for.

This year we went to Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. It was beautiful and different, and we enjoyed each other's company all the same. I think our favorite moment was all together in my parent's room eating Aunt Karen's home baked desserts after our family dinner, and we danced, sang, drank, and played games. We were together as FAMILY.

But one of the funniest and most memorable things for THIS past reunion was the very first day. Before we went to the ferry, our very first event as a family for this reunion was this: FOOD SHOPPING. Food always brings family together, but this was different in it's entirety! You have to understand how funny it was for about 15 of us barging into a foreign food store, not knowing where anything was, all food shopping at the same time to bring with us to our destination. It was memorable, and a good haha!

Family is a beautiful thing. Be sure to always hug and make time for your family. Support them, enjoy them, but always laugh and communicate with family. These are the key elements that must be passed down to your family, but always pass down the love and tradition of family. We have many Trento's in heaven now, but we gather each year to remind ourselves that we are the legacy of the love that those four Trento's from once upon a time taught us in our origins. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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