Friday, September 5, 2014

Quotes from my Book

It's getting there. I began writing my book when I was 17 years old. It is Eh-erm years later. It's on it's way. I began writing it for me and me alone. It was a way for me to just recollect and get it out of me. It was a way to reflect. I have been writing another book, just as long that I was going to publish to help others based on some of my own experiences. However, as time went on, some of my closest friends and myself believed that maybe sharing my own story wouldn't be such a bad idea.

It terrifies me. It scares me to do. It is very hard to write let alone share with others. But it can be inspiring to others. It may help others. Some who were there may find it invigorating to remember. Some may be fascinated not knowing what lie behind the red curtain. But my own story will never truly end, but my recent chapters of this part of my life may. Here are some of my favorite quotes I have come across lately through the editing process.

"I was so nervous to ask my mother, because I have never made such a decision for myself before. But I knew ever since I started that this is what I was supposed to be doing. Not many get that at my age."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks".

"I guess I was weird because every other kid my age wanted to be Pokemon masters. I wanted to be a martial arts master!"
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks".

"I knew that there were two things that I was going to do in my life. One was that I WILL become a master one day. And second I WILL have my own school one day."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks".

"I was so proud to receive my first gold medal I brought it to my grandfather. He put the medal around his neck and the weight of the medal jerked his head a little bit. He said 'No wonder why you guys bow.'"
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks".

"I don't remember ever going to bed with such a big smile on my face after that night with everyone. I knew what we were creating together was very special to us all."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks".

"It was such a great night of fun and laughs, I remember thinking nothing possibly could ever go wrong...."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks".

"I remember walking out and the light hit our face and we saw the large stadium come into focus. It was like something out of a movie."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"After seven years, I couldn't believe she was gone. We were there together through thick and thin, and the day we weren't together never occurred to me. I couldn't believe the physical pain it caused me." 
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"It was snowing hard, but 20 of us still gathered in my apartment to have this Mastermind meeting. They were former colleagues, students, training partners, and Black Belts; all good friends (more like family), brought together for a purpose. These people helped provide the foundation this school would build upon."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"So many people were telling me that it's not the right time, the economy is bad, and that I'll never do it. All I knew was this: I didn't how I was going to do it, but I knew that I WILL." 
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"You do whatever it is in your power to be resilient as possible. It is not our job to educate the ignorant."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"I said to all who were there 'Not all of you here know each other, but you all have the same roots. The common denominator is what you all share. Always know where you have come from and know that all is welcome here.'"
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"The mentors saved my life."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"I couldn't see through my eyes but when I did, his face looked as if he turned to gold. The only thing that I had to know I wasn't dreaming was that my hair was moving from the tremendous wind."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"They don't want to be around you when you're struggling. Only when you're on the top."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"I made it a point to know every one of my students' names. I tried to create a cozy, relaxed atmosphere." 
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"The day just came when I knew I had to make a change. Deep inside I knew I had to make a change; I'm a believer in change. I think you have to shake up your life a bit and then see what happens." 
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"The hardest part about making adjustments with my students was never knowing how much to involve myself in their personal lives. After all I was not their parents, counseling was NOT my job, and I tried very hard not to overstep myself. How did I do? I failed miserably most of the time!"
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"You see, I was there. And when they were in trouble or they had a problem, I couldn't help myself from jumping in. However, they jumped a lot into MY life too."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks"

"There are times I wonder what it'll be like when they're gone. I wonder if I'll be lonely. Of course I will be. But then again, like I said.....change..."
-Andrew Trento in "As the Board Breaks."

Yours in service,

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