Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Spirtual Day

Sunday was a very spiritual day. After I taught my 10:15 Cardio Kickboxing class, I went to a Qigong Healing and Meditation seminar at American Taekwondo School, the school of my self-defense mentor Master DeJesus. I was accompanied by my spiritual mentor, Professor Lisa Sargese, and with my Black Belt and dearest friend Frankie Peracchio. The three of us were very excited and looking forward to seeing what was in store for us. Lisa had went to the first seminar last month and was thrilled with how it went. The seminar was run by Master DeJesus's wife's cousin, named Sal Canzonieri.

Lisa has learned a lot and applied a lot of what she knows about spiritual energy from what Sifu (future master of mine) has taught her and applying it so well, and being very open with experiencing all she comes across being a professor of faith and spirituality. Frankie and I have always been very in tune with spiritual energy since we were very young, but never had been trained to manipulate energy and directing energy properly with our full intentional control. I've been exposed to it for the first time last July when I first met Sifu with Lisa. Since then I have skyrocketed with it. So needless to say, you have three pre-trained warriors coming for this awesome experience. And joined by Master DeJesus and his wife, you have MASSIVE QI flowing in the room.

Sal had us spread out and our eyes were closed and he had us perform many basic movements, explained what movements we should be doing, how our breathing should be, what we should be visualizing, keeping our awareness as focused as possible, and I felt the heat in my palms increase, as I have felt in the past. The energy was building up, but much quicker than I have ever had it done before. But then at one point he had our hands in front of our body and as we continued to do the breathing, you could actually feel this TANGIBLE ball of energy between your palms. It was absolutely incredible! I felt like Goku about to qi-blast somebody!

But that is exactly what I felt and I began to chuckle and Frankie did too. I chuckled because I was getting so amused at how the qi was forming in my hands. You can feel a ball but no see it! How amazing!! Then we went into a circle and one palm was above the person's palm to your left and one palm was underneath the person's palm on your right. We allowed the qi to flow through us starting from Sal.

Now understand what is happening: The Qi master Sal is sending Qi through ANOTHER martial arts master (who has awesome Qi as it is) who is sending it through Lisa who is has some awesome power Qi, who is sending it through ME, who is passing it along to Frankie. By the time all that massive Qi went through all of us, Frankie's palms were sweating profusely! So he was sending it to Master DeJesus's wife and she said she had never felt the energy so strongly before! Then he sent a thought to us and we all saw his pet. I have actually done this with Frankie before where I sent a thought from long distance in an hour of need. I blogged about it HERE.

Then we did this drill where we partnered with someone else and we were to feel each other's energy and follow the movements of the other. I partnered with Lisa and we did very well I think. We kept our imaginary butterfly between our hands, and we were either paying really good attention to each other or being very intuitive. I would like to think we listened to spirit's intuition. It was very kung fu (#awesome).

It was a fantastic experience and so awesome for me to have two of my mentors doing this with me along with one my my own students. The three of us went out for a little lunch and being so QI-ed up and energized we talked in length of all the things we want to learn through this and were already talking about the next seminar!

Then later on Lisa and I went to a mass in Hasbrouk Heights, NJ where my Uncle "Deacon" Tony does a musical mass and we went across the street where my aunt and uncle led a reenactment of the Passover seder Last Supper. I had been doing this reenactment of the Last Supper for perhaps 10 years, missing only last year (I was still going through my trauma last year). The entire Last Supper Dinner was held in the dark, by candlelight, reading from eleven pages we have always used to do the ritual. I always feel such strong spiritual presence when we do this tradition. It was beautifully done and beautiful energy in the room. Then a friend of my uncle's played a song "Beautiful City" from the Boradway show Godspell. She believed that as Christian's we were building a city by spreading "the good news." It was a beautiful song and I knew Lisa and I would be obsessing over it after this (#IknewLisaWouldDownloadItRightAway #SheDid).

All in all, it was a very spiritual day. A lot of good energy, a lot of good company, and a lot of good food!

Yours in service,

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