Thursday, September 22, 2011

Questions vs Ignorance

(Geri Warner from the sitcom The Facts of Life)

Sometimes we learn the some of our greatest life lessons in the most unexpected places. A few years ago, when I was living in my apartment, stressing over the plans I had of one day opening up a martial arts school, thee was one thing that I did to relax for "me" time. I would watch TV show. Now I had no cable in my apartment so thanks to the power of Youtube and the rest of the creations of my generation, I was able to watch TV. And of course, random as it may be, I watched every episode and every season of The Facts of Life.

I LOVED Mrs. Garrett. Such an awesome role model, advice-giver, mentor to these girls at boarding school. In the second season, one of the main characters, the rich snob Blair Warner, had a cousin who came to visit her. Her name was Geri Warner. Geri was handicapped. Geri had cerebral palsy. One of the other girls, Tooty, was asking questions like "You can make coffee?" "You can drive?" "Did you catch cerebral palsy?" "Were you born with it?"
Well Blair was so embarrassed and snapped a Tooty and told her to stop asking such questions! Then, Geri said the most PROFOUND thing I think I have ever heard. Three years later, I often think of this statement when dealing with people, situations, my training, etc. She said this:

"Questions don't hurt. Ignorance does."
-Geri Warner, The Facts of Life
Absolutely profound! Questions do not hurt, but ignorance does! I'll never forget her saying that in that one episode when they met her. You see, I have moments where I am like a curious blunt ten year old and ask a lot of questions and I feel like I should have someone reel me in on a leash. Then I remember this quote. I am not being insensitive, and I am being quite earnest that I truly DO want to know, to understand. I have a student who is a Black Belt and she ALWAYS asks a lot of questions. And I like a lot of questions, because that means they are thinking!

But this statement goes a lot farther. Questions don't hurt. We get that. BUT IGNORANCE DOES!!! OOOOOOO!!!! Right on the money. Ignorance hurts. Yes it does. Ignorance is lack of knowledge, learning, or information. When people act or behave in such ways when they know nothing of what they are talking about, or the entire situation of a scenario, it can hurt beyond words, can destroy you if you let it. And what hurts even more is when ignorance becomes arrogance. Arrogance is that exaggerated opinion of one's importance and superiority. 

Never stop asking questions. And ask your questions everywhere. Never stop asking questions, until you find truth and light. Because questions do not hurt....ignorance does.

Yours in service,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear gawd, please don't ever call me your Mrs. Garrett! lol
