Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Random Fight

Mr. Miyagi: "Why do you learn to fight Daniel San?"
Daniel: (Pause) "So I don't have to fight."
Classic lesson of martial arts comes from one of the most famous martial arts movies, The Karate Kid which really grasps the essence of the martial arts. We learn to fight so we don't have to. When I teach self-defense, I make it very clear to my students of all ages that you never use your martial arts unless you are in a situation where you absolutely have to!

At the same time, God forbid you are ever in a situation where a fight arises, you be sure to finish it. With enough training, you learn to measure the level of force you will need in a situation and how to carry yourself. And sometimes those situations arise out of the most random circumstances.

I was at my school with Lisa having a conversation when a man walked in. I thought it was someone coming in to inquire about classes. I have on my wall a picture of Bruce Lee and when he saw it he exclaimed "OH! You have my father's picture up! That's my father!" Well I just thought he was joking around and being funny, but he kept going on and on and it got to the point where he wasn't kidding around. SO his name was "Brandon".

This guy was wearing baggy jeans that dropped, a long black T-shirt, his eyes were very red, and he kept going on tangents. In a matter of five minutes I learned he had like four different names. Mr. Smith and Neo (from Matrix), Brandon (referring to Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee), Noah, and something else. I didn't know if this guy was drugged up or just out of his mind. But I was ever so polite.

he said he trained in martial arts before, telling me how great he was and he wanted his son/brother to come and straighten out his life, telling me jail stories and whatnot, and then he took his shoes off and showed me "some of his moves" on the mat. I was polite, watched, even walked on the mats with him to "discuss" his technique. Before I knew it he was "showing me" what he's seen and in a flash of a second he threw a punch at me and it was definitely out to hurt. Thank God for my training in which I reacted so quickly to deflect his punch, grab him in a certain way and threw him over my shoulder on the ground. Mind you, Lisa was there for all of this.

I kept my attitude light, and I helped him up. He was a little startled and chuckled and told me he was impressed.  I was not in uniform and honestly, at first glance I really look like nothing. Get me in mode though, watch out. So my hands were up in a different way and I kept myself positioned where Lisa would be behind me. Then he showed me a "move" again and threw a few punches. after blocking them all I decided to go in and go in fast. After a few very controlled techniques and I moved damn fast, almost to the point where I was chasing the guy and his hands were over his head as if ducking for dear life. He chuckled and then I put my arm around him as if being friendly and escorted him out. Said light good byes.

I looked at Lisa and we couldn't believe this character we ran into. I think Lisa took the encounter more as a treat to see a random fight with me and someone else, LOL! The man left a few items and I called the police and handed them in along with the video of the encounter (I have security cameras at my school). The police officers had a real good laugh watching me move the way I did with the wannabe Brandon Lee.

You never know what situations you will find yourself in. But I did not hurt this man, nor did I leave him with any physical injury. I kept my personality light hearted and kind with a smile, while being extremely aware of the situation and expecting the worst scenario to keep me focused on the objective at hand. Martial arts training WILL help you become more aware of your surroundings while gaining the confidence you know you can defend yourself. But you will also acquire the ability to control your level of force you choose to exert in a given situation. This was about a month and a half ago. I have never seen the man ever again.

Yours in service,


  1. "I think Lisa took the encounter more as a treat to see a random fight with me and someone else, LOL!"

    Guilty as charged. I wasn't worried for a second. I feel totally safe when I'm with Master Trento. I knew he'd humiliate this strange guy in the most appropriate, badass yet compassionate way. I was confident that the guy didn't have a gun. It didn't even occur to me to text or call anyone. I knew Trento would wipe the mats with this guy. He did.

    Loved it.

  2. "So my hands were up in a different way and I kept myself positioned where Lisa would be behind me."

    Yep. Master Trento kept me safe. Totally.
