Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sam Volk's 2nd Dan Test

I want to say eleven years ago, I taught a young blonde girl at the age of seven named Samantha Volk. She was a light hearted, jolly little girl who wanted to mother everyone. I'd be teaching someone and she would be on the side fixing someone's belt. "Miss Volk! Hands to yourself and stand still!" I'd say sternly. She went to attention with a big smile saying "Yessir!" Five minutes later: "Miss Volk! Leave Matthew alone!" "Yessir!" Three minutes later: "MISS VOLK!!!!" "YESSIR!"

She just wanted to help everyone. But she had a good attitude. And she didn't mind rolling around with the heavy hitters either. There were a lot of boy Black Belts that she would spar and practice forms with, but she loved breaking. She was quite the athlete and played volleyball and softball as well as did Taekwondo training. She is one of the few students who can say trained during the "Barrett-Trento days" which were the glory days of my old martial arts school when I apprenticed under my old master.

Then finally there came a point where Miss Volk burnt herself out and wanted no more! After recieving her second level at 1st Degree Junior Black Belt, Samantha decided she was done with Taekwondo and said she would NEVER train again and NEVER Black Belt test again! "I will NEVER go in uniform ever again!

Well. For those who know me by now, I am very good at getting people to do the things they said they would never do. Lo and behold, I kept in touch with Miss Volk and when TMAFC was and underground martial arts school, she would come and show her support at the Black Belt tests I would hold and even came to my Grand Opening June 5, 2010 when I officially opened the doors to TMAFC in Rochelle Park, NJ. A few months after that opening, I was ordering a uniform with my name on the back for Miss Volk. Once again, I had Miss Volk as a student.

She came back full swing and was so supportive to what my school was all about and stepped up in assisting and teaching and taking every class I had. I did not ask her to do any of these things, knowing how burnt she got from my old master in the past. But she made a conscious decision to take her training seriously, or as seriously as Miss Volk could take her training ;) LOL. But she also made a very big decision too. In May 2011, she decided in one year from that time she would take a Black Belt test to convert to an adult Black Belt, and this would be her 2nd Degree belt as well, and she wanted it from me.

One year later, in May 2012, Samantha Volk tested for 2nd Dan Black Belt. With an injured shoulder, she took her test knowing she would be pushed to her limit and would have to conquer her own inner limitations, overcome limiting mindsets from the past, and overcoming the feeling of "I can't do it." She ultimately was testing for her own approval of the abilities that myself and everyone knew she had, but she needed to see if for herself.

TMAFC Black Belt tests are six days long for adults. Day one was a written test based on questions from reading Zen in the Martial Arts and The Secret. Day two was her most feared day, the conditioning day. She did 2,000 jumping jacks, speed drills, suicides, hopped on one leg for five minutes, beating her personal best on each task. Day three was self-defense. Sam Volk is one tough cookie. But even an injury can make one slow down and lose a little flare. But Sam overcame her injury and her fears and showed no one would mess with her when push comes to shove.

On Day four for forms, Miss Volk got inside her own head a lot. She knew her forms, but would make little mistakes that would throw off her forms. I realized big time during this day of testing that the essence of my old master was very much alive in her. It is a challenge I have with any students who I now train who came from the old school ways, literally. Testing with the old master was more like hazing. As much as I personally found it invigorating and thrilling, truth be told the standards were inconsistent, repurcusions were unfair, and the attitude and feel was more fear-based. The old master would get inside your head to break you down and see if you can handle it. These kids are not trying to get into a fraternity or sorority, they are entering a world of zen and humility. If I try to get into your head, it is to bring you up! When I would give a task and explain what I expected, she took it as if I were sugarcoating things, which is what the old master would do. I saw I had to trump this old mindset of expectations. The fear of not knowing and whether she can handle it was limiting her.

So on Day five, I explained the rules and my expectations. The only enemy she has is herself and if she allowed herself any reason or excuse to block her focus, the test would be OVER. I raised the stakes. What I can definitely say about Miss Volk, when you have the moment you have to hold her accountable, she always comes through. Day five went magnificently for her. She was calm,, relaxed, her effort was impeccable, her attitude was changed, and her responses were calm, cool, and collect. It made her perform at her peak. It needed to travel into the final day.

As always I choose judges pertaining to the individual or individuals testing. Of course Ms Barrett was on the table along with fellow Friar of Old Ms Julie Feliciano. The three of us taught, trained, and competed together. I also had my Black Belts Andrew Kranich and Frankie Peracchio on the table. Mr. George Valentino also returned to judge at TMAFC along with her 4th Dan sister, Victoria Valentino, and two dear friends of their Taekwondo family, now mine, Ms Pamela Gedman and Mr. Norberto Rivera. It was an honor to have these guest judges for Miss Volk's test.

As always we started with forms. The nerves were getting to Miss Volk but she regained her focus. The struggle between the old master mindset, and my mindset for Miss Volk had begun. That was the deeper part of this test, whether Miss Volk knew it or not. Toward the end, Miss Volk regained her focus and brought herself out on top. It carried her through the judge's choice portion where all of the judges chose a specific task for her to perform and overcome. Sparring was next, and Miss Volk had the opportunity to spar Ms Gedman and Mr. Valentino (who are both world champions in the ATA) as well as Ms Barrett and the other Black Belts. It is sometimes hard to watch these sparring matches when you are brought to that physical exhaustion, and having to muster all you have to bring to the surface to get through. 

Self-Defense is always the most emotional and hardest to watch, even as the facilitator. Miss Volk had to be initiated as an Adult Black Belt now, so it would only be fitting to bring out the tarp like many of us had gone through. Water thrown, lights out, blindfolded, music blasting, and attacked. At one point she had to defend her grandfather and brother. Toward the end of the test was her favorite: breaking. She did adult boards and did magnificently with the breaking. Her positive attitude was the way she ended the test. The right mindset prevailed.

It is always a privilege to watch my students grow up, and very entertaining to see the people they become. I am always so proud of my "kids". But Samantha made me so proud. That little jolly seven year old from eleven years ago is now this beautiful, strong woman. To see the person she has become makes me so proud. She has a great head on her shoulders, she is supportive, loyal, and a great friend. She is caring and has a heart of gold. And it brings me great joy to know that it means so much to her to be a Trento Black Belt and to be a Trento Black Belt. Thank you Miss Volk for the phenomenal support you give me, for the unwavering loyalty, the help you give to TMAFC, the encouragement you give to my students, and for being a wonderful friend. Congratulations on your 2nd Dan Black Belt. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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