Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A C.A.R.E-full Weekend

Last summer I went to Appalachin, NY to do an Intensive weekend to learn the Raindrop and Vitaflex using Young Living Essential Oils. This weekend course was sponsored by the Center of Aromatherapy Research and Education (CARE) and taught by two certified CARE Instructors who happened to be husband and wife. They were Mer and Joanna Barrrett.

I had a gruesome month of events leading up before this pilgrimage. On the three hour drive there, I did have my own epiphany to what some of the things I can do for the far future from some of the experiences I was having. I remember wanting to share it with my best friend, but he didn't want to hear about it, and it was upsetting to me. The time then was very confusing and hurtful so this weekend was a weekend of learning and at first was just a big distraction for myself.

I went alone. I don't mind going on trips and excursions by myself as I can enjoy an experience alone just as much as if I had someone with me. But sometimes we are meant to stand alone for an experience that awaits us for a greater purpose, especially when we don't know what that purpose is. I loved Mer and Joanna. They were a great team and so very knowledgeable about their craft and run a very successful center with phenomenal results. But when they two of them were doing something together it was like watching a good vaudeville act!

At one point the married couple had a small disagreement about something and one of them said to the other "It's okay you have the right to be wrong." That struck me so funny. Joanna, like myself, is not the greatest with technology and one time she was having computer problems. She would call "MER!" And he would come over and fix the problem. Then a second time. "MER!" He would fix it again. Then a third. A fourth. By the fifth time Mer called out to Joanna and she heard "Joanna, you need peace and blessings!" Joanna gasped in relief, "Oh my goodness, Yes! I would love some peace and blessings! Thank youy!" And Mer cracked up and said "NO! I said PC LESSONS!" That good a good laugh too.

The weekend was full of SEVERAL courses. The first was Healing Oils of the Bible taught by Joanna which really set a great slate for the rest of the weekends. Mer taught a Chemistry class, which I was not enthused to do, but he made it very interesting, and who knew that I would end up buying a Chemistry book for anything! We also learned not only historical origin background but hands on practice of the Vitaflex techniques and the Raindrop technique.

The Raindrop technique is a mixture of massage and Vitaflex that detoxes the body, reduces inflammation in the body, boosts the immune system of the body, realigns the spine without manipulating it in any way, and balances the energy centers of the body. The use of certain Young Living Essential Oils (BY THE WAY Young Living is a completely separate company from CARE and CARE will ONLY use Young Living oils as they are the ONLY pure grade essential oils in the continent!) and particular methods such as feather stroking along the back, etc, have a great result.

People I have worked on have gotten over colds they had for weeks at a time, allergies that were bothering them, of infections their body had and couldn't shake off. SO yes, the essential oils have amazing properties and results in themselves, and combined in the right way only intensifies the results in a positive manner. But besides the Bible Oils Class, the Chemistry class, the Vitaflex class, and the Raindrop class, the final class was very intense in itself.

Emotional Releasing can be tricky business. You have to be very honest with yourself. You have to learn the opposites sides of an emotion in order to transform it. And remember, emotions can affect our organs and our bodies and be trapped in places that cause great ailments, as says with Chinese medicine. Like I said, I was very depressed at this time, and a day or two earlier I privately went to Joanna asking her if she could give me something from her oils case that could help me because I was getting very boo hooey and was developing great anxiety. The first thing she did was give me a hug which is probably the best medicine in itself (HUGS= Helping Us Grow Spiritually).

I never verbalized it, but I believe spiritually I connected to Joanna to let her n know if she did an Emotional Release demonstration, I wanted to be the one to be demonstrated on. I knew I needed it. I wanted it. I was afraid. But I had to face it. The core issues at hand were being abandoned and left behind. I layed on the table and she scanned me, the same way we do in Qigong therapy. Right away I knew she could feel energy. I was even more impressed when she told me to put purification oil on my liver. Purification oil is for the emotion anger, the oppositie emotion of anger is laughter, and anger affects the Liver, just as in Chinese medicine. I was sold.

She intuitively used certain oils in different places. I felt energetically charged, but then before I knew  it, it caught me so off guard I was in shock: I began to cry hysterically. It was a very hard, painful, agonizing cry. I could not believe what was happening. I didn't care there was a whole class watching this, I needed it. Joanna gave me prayers and affirmations and had me throw a lot of it off my chest. It was a lot. It took a while. but it was amazing as I did what she said, I began to calm down. The release was unbelievable.

I have had people have emotional releases when working on them with either raindrop or qigong. But I have never done an emotional release session like I went through. And it couldn't have happened at a more needed time for me. I share this because I believe people can benefit from this kind of experience and release the inner emotions that burden us, and we can be taught to change emotions into their opposites if we just understand the opposites.

We can store our emotions and hold them because it's all we know. What would happen if we let them go? Would we actually be happy? Would we actually live life better? Would we actually like our perpetrators from our lives? Would we actually see opportunity over struggle? I need another Emotional Release like that one I had. I don't want to hold on anymore. I never used to and don't want to anymore. I want you to do the same. So I will do it too. Let's do it together. Let's take CARE of ourselves. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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