Saturday, May 10, 2014

Feelings False About our Stories

You know there is a lot of studies correlating one's feelings and one's thoughts. When I learned the law of attraction in my teens, I learned how we have 60,000 thoughts a day, and there'd be no way to know exactly each thought we have. As human beings we have the power to think. We are always thinking, therefore the law of attraction is always in action.

But to know every single thought we have is absurd, but we can tell if we have good thoughts or bad thoughts because of how we FEEL. Our feelings serve as a feedback mechanism and tell us if we are having good thoughts or bad thoughts and we know the difference because one makes us feel good and one makes us feel bad. But it is US and us only that can control those thoughts. So our thoughts create our feelings.

In one of my favorite movie clips from The Iron Lady, Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher says "Watch your thoughts for they become your words. Watch your words for they become your actions. Your action become your habits, your habits become your character, and your character becomes our destiny! We become our thoughts!" This is the truest and greatest way to explain the law of attraction. She says this as a rant that too many people worry about feelings and lose attention on thoughts and ideas.

In the last couple of years I have experienced and observed many instances where my friends or myself or people I worked with will feel a certain way about a situation and our behavior that followed would be out of our interpretation of those feelings.The scary thing is that 70 percent of the time we are absolutely completely wrong. Whatever the circumstances are making us feel is NOT what is happening. It is only the sotiy we make about the situation in our own minds. We need to be careful of our choices that follow, for they can be irrational.

It makes us judgmental. It makes us just mental. We torture ourselves because we think people are acting in a certain way because of some story we make out of it, or a reference point of a past event that was the case to what we experienced before. But we cannot allow the stories we create in our minds be our destiny if they do not serve us in  a positive way. Now i am not saying this is ALWAYS the case. Sometimes our instincts are right on the money. But we have to have a higher level of awareness in our thinking that will allow us to evaluate a better judgement call on our parts.

I remember once a mutual friend I had through someone else was going on and on for over a year about how a certain person was behaving even after this letter she wrote to this person and every action and decision this person made, she would go on rant because she felt she absolutely knew what his passive aggressive behavior was toward her. In the end, the truth was this person NEVER read the letter, so for over a year, all the actions and behaviors were wrong!

I am ashamed at how many times I began doing this the last couple of years myself. I put a lot of effort when I have a feeling that causes a sinking feeling in my stomach to NOT act out of it unless I 100% for sure KNOW. Sometimes I could be 100% right but I will d omy best to STILL not respond or act or behave in any which way where my judgement can be false due to my own subjective view. I say to many of my friends when we get into those siotuations "But we DON'T KNOW". Yeah we may be right, but in the end WE DON'T KNOW.

So for all reading this, let's work together on this. I promise I won't act or behave out of any stories my stupid hypothalamus makes up for me if you don't! We will all be a lot happier that way! Let's make stories up in our minds of how everything is going right for us, and everyone is out to help us and miracles come our way all the time! Let's make THAT our experience! Not how people are out to get you, being passive aggressive, or trying to hurt us! I like miracle minds better! (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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