Friday, May 9, 2014

The Crying Scene

One of the funniest scenes from a movie ever is the 3 minute long crying scene by Diane Keaton in the movie Something's Gotta Give where she co-stars with Jack Nicholson. Diane Keaton is a brilliant and well known play-writer who is very sure of herself and very matter-of-fact about life. Jack Nicholson plays a playboy older gentleman with several recording businesses and dates the younger ladies. These two totally opposites end up falling in love like never before, and as any movie circumstances make them drift apart and you hopefully see them magically come together in a Hollywood fashion.

The crying scene is obviously between the two and the heartbroken Diane Keaton. I have had a long period of my life where this hilarious scene has been my sad reality. No exaggeration. The part where as soon as she wakes up from what looks like a restful sleep and bursts into tears (which is very funny in the clip and movie) is something I had done many times before, and those times weren't funny at all.

One point in the movie she said "Yeah its my new thing." I remember saying that it was a new hobby of mine at the time too. Three times in my life I had a period of time like this. Those times when people experience times like these can be devastating. The stress, the anxiety, the depression, it all sucks so bad. Some people aren't able to function at all. Some people function, but not well at all. And some people begin to function and go about being busy, and the second that busy ends, they return to that point where there is no where else to go.

There is a difference between going forward, and moving on. Some people go forward. You know the saying "Going forward...blah blah blah." And the people just MOVE ON. It's hurtful to be stuck, especially when you rigorously struggle and fight. Remember Stress produces cortisol and adrenaline that affects your body in numerous ways. Don't be ashamed to let it all out. Express your feelings. A good cry can be good. Even if it's for months, for a year, for the duration of writing a play, or a book, or building a house. Do what you gotta do. (BOWS)
Yours in service,

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