Saturday, May 24, 2014

Learn from your Art

One year ago I had a lesson with Sifu that always stuck with me. I was training for my first Kung Fu test. As I was training, one of the other students was present and we had a fantastic conversation about martial arts in general. The other student was asking me questions about Taekwondo. Taekwondo is a Korean art and is known as the "kicking art" because of it's extensive usage for kicks and leg techniques. Hung Ga Kung Fu is a southern Chinese martial arts which has a series of close range techniques vs maybe the elongated techniques in the northern Shaolin style.

So on and one we discussed these things different principles and style comparison of martial arts. In my personal opinion, I believe Hung Ga Kung Fu has such a well rounded foundation that has continually been enhanced over and over thanks to the brilliant engineering mind of Grandmaster Frank Yee, and the along with Sifu's extensive research and training.

Now I have trained in three different styles of Taekwondo, that being traditional, Olympic style along with the Taeguek and Palgwe forms, being mentored in Songahm style of Taekwondo. I also train in the Israeli martial art of Haganah, and of course I do Qigong. The opportunity to train in multiple martial arts allows you to blend the best parts of them all, and understanding that all styles and arts have the same principles, just different tactics and mechanics for achieving those principles.

However, in training in Hung Ga Kung Fu, I believe it has really enhanced my Taekwondo tremendously. My understanding, my technique, what it challenges me in, what it compliments me in, and of course I have the best master in the world teaching me as well which of course always helps. And i seriously do study my martial arts. The amount of time I practice physically, I am also in note taking, and questioning, and drilling.

My martial arts is very personal and very serious. And when I said that in my conversation with Sifu and the other kung fu student, Sifu jumped right in with agreement, saying "My Kung Fu is no joke." The level of training and seriousness that you put into every aspect of your life when it is your passion  goes beyond the sacred scope of basic understanding of people. The martial arts journey is one that cannot be truly understood unless you're in it. And when you see it enter every single aspect of your life, you know how important it really is.

But Sifu said something that was really profound, that brought together the essence of our conversation. "If you're not learning from you art every day, then something is wrong." BINGO! I learn from my art every single day, and it's always learning about myself. I am learning about life. Anyone training in the martial arts needs to always remember that every single day you should be learning from your art. Physically, my Hung Ga training, which I call doctorate level training for me, that enhances everything I do in the training. But the level of thinking it takes to you those things also is used emotionally and spiritually.

Sometimes the lessons are challenging. But my mentor, Master Balon, once said "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you." We are always in a state of becoming, as long as we are alive. So we are constantly growing and changing. The martial arts has been my tool to help myself and so many other people to finding that same personal, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth, and I am blessed each day to learn from my art, and help other to learn as well. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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