Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chance on Taking Chances

 My favorite singer of all time is Celine Dion (don't judge!). I think she has the greatest voice, such control, and she can sing pretty much anything. She has a great story as well on her way to fame from being very young. I also connect with a lot of her songs. But one in particular came to mind yesterday during my stay with my grandparents down the shore. The song was Taking Chances.

A lot of what I am doing this year on my mission to becoming a master has a lot to do with taking chances. But hen I reflect even further, I realize that anyone who has done anything amazing has taken a chance. All of my greatest accomplishments were when I took chances. I feel I have stepped away from that a lot, until now.

Look back into our own history and pop culture. Presidents, movie stars, great musicians, all achieved greatness by taking big chances. To just hold your nose and jump! But your average Joe always looks for the cop out, and would rather be "safe" than to take a chance. Well it starts with the small things first.

Like I said I am staying with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend, and last night Grandma wanted to watch an old mystery movie that I had with Liam Neeson and Meryl Streep called Before and After. After the first 10 minutes, my grandfather gets up walks away and goes downstairs to go on his computer.

"Where are you going??"
"This movie is stupid!"
"It's ten minutes in! It's really good!"
"I'm going on my computer!"
"Give it a chance!"

That's what Grandpa does. After ten minutes of something, if he doesn't think he will like it, he doesn't say anything. He just gets up and leaves. Now if I did that with everything I thought I wouldn't like, do you know how much I would have missed out on in my life? I always give things, food, music, and PEOPLE a chance.

I finish the whole meal before I make an opinion. I watch he entire movie before I decide whether it is good or bad. I hear the entire song before I say it is stupid. And I have a full conversation before I decide whether a person is worth talking to or not. When people don't take chances, they can miss the true essence of whatever they are experiencing.

I read the first three chapters of Harry Potter about ten years ago and thought it was boring. Until I got the fourth chapter, I laugh because I now know how important they are and why they make sense. Most people know I am a true Harry Potter fan! Can you imagine if I put the book down after chapter three????

Take chances in your life! You have to risk it to get the biscuit! (I don't remember where I heard that--hahaha!). Now there is a difference between risks and CALCULATED risks! But there is a lot to say for those who truly have faith in themselves and what they know.

I believe a true master gives everything and everyone a chance to truly understand and experience the essence of whatever he or she comes in contact with. And on top of that, they also take chances to push themselves beyond their potential and better their lives in ways that are just unimaginable. Because without taking chances, there comes regret. And regret and disappointment are two of the worst illnesses one can experience. Solution? Take a chance on taking chances!!

Yours in service,

1 comment:

  1. It's like we have nothing to risk but we think we do. We all have to die in the end anyway. Why do we cling to the illusion that we'll live longer if we play it safe?

    YOU ARE SO WISE to point out that our greatest bursts of spiritual growth happen when we take risks.

    You're right. Regret is a killer. It manifests as illness.

    You have faith. Your faith will be rewarded. Your hard work guarantees that. Work, fueled by faith, showered with grace from above, and intensity from below...or some wise sounding metaphor like that LOL

    (My favorite Celine Dion is "Water from the Moon" about being willing to do the impossible for one's ideal.)
