Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don't look back, look forward

I was talking to a friend last night about my Uncle Johny and he sent me a quote that went something like this:
"If you spend you life running and always looking backwards, eventually you will trip, fall, and wonder where you are." -Unkown

I thought about this quote a lot today. I had a hard time sleeping last night, and then I slept in very late today. But, how many times we be run and always look back? We all do it, don't try to deny it! At some point in our lives we try to pick up momentum to move forward but what is holding us back is when we turn our heads backwards. This quote is absolutely right. You trip and then you wonder "how the heck did I get here??"

My godfather used to always tell me "You never know where you're going until you get there, and when you get there, you don't know where to go!" There is a lot of truth in that. I understood this at the age of 17 and then that understanding grew more and more as I got older. There were so many times in my life I never kne where I'd end up, but there were a lot of things I worked for. But then when I got there, I was like "well wha's next?" 

I wish I saw my Uncle Johny more. Shouldn't I have learned from losing relatives in the past? But those are the wrong questions! THAT is looking backwards when trying to run forward. That is why I became frustrated and upset when I tried to move forward. As I was running forward, I looked behind and tripped. And I tripped many times and scraped my knees more times than I can count. 

Not so easy though, this notion. Because I am a firm believer in closure. Many people will say "Well you're not always going to get it so man up!" Well I don't believe that. There are many ways to receive closure, and closure can be attained in ways you may never have thought of. During my journey, there are a few things I am going to seek out closure for, and then I'll be skyrocketing like I've never done before! There will be brick walls, that is for sure. But like Randy Pausch said, the brick walls are only there not to keep you out, but to see how badly you want to achieve something!

Yours in service,

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