Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Driving Miss Jessie

I may kill Jessie before she gets better. The adventures continue from her birthday emergency! So Jessie had to go back to a follow up appointment at the hospital that patched her up and put the pins in her ankle. The appointment was yesterday at 2 but she wanted to get there a half hour early. So we left for Summit, NJ at 1:00. So I got there a little earlier to pick her up. I brought over toilet paper and water that she needed. I got a few of her pillows and brought them in my car and sat her in the back of my car.

She needed to move a chair upstairs, then find a shirt, then throw garbage out she couldn't, get all her papers, take the phone charger, we were packing for a week event. We kept laughing and I said to her "This is just another one of those bizarre things we end up doing together." I felt a Lucy adventure coming up.

She was laid out in the back of my car and directing me to the hospital. Then she saying you should turn here, we need to stop there, let's pick this up later, and all I kept thinking about was Morgan Freeman. I said to Jessie in response "Fo' sho' Miss Daisy! Whateva you is needin!" I felt like the driver in Driving Miss Daisy except it was Driving Miss Jessie. 

We got to the hospital and I found a parking spot in the parking garage, dropped her off at the entrance on the top, got the spot, and then we walked off. We had to take an elevator down a few and found out the office we had to go to was right by the lobby of the entrance to the hospital. I should have just dropped her off so she could do the paperwork, then park! Tippy.

We filled out the paperwork and she was called in. But I was amazed at how her office that she works for KNEW she was seeing the doctor and at the doctors office CONTINUOUSLY called her! Like, can they NOT function without her? She manages the procedures and materials along with dictations of reports at a pain institute. She is very good at her job. But you would think this office could back off! We were there for two hours and they continuously called her, "When you get a chance can you tell us about this chart," or "DO I fax this over to this doctor," or even "Where do I find such and such." o____O

The doctor came in (and she is on and off on the phone with work -__-) and took off the old bandage and splint. I kept calling it the new Air Forces! But she had a better description: her leg looked like a transformer! I took the Power Ranger route and told her "It's Morphin Time!" but nothing happened.

We left and got back home at 5:30 but not before stopping at the bank first, getting her back into bed, getting a few things in place for your majesty. It was tiring, but I'll do whatever I can to help her.....

Which brings us to today. I get a phone call she is upset, angry, and frustrated-- and in pain. She goes up and down the stairs on her rear end one step at a time, but it's painful, so the doctor's gave her this little portable toilet in this contraption in case of emergency. Well bringing the miniature potty upstairs, her cat was playing around and had her drop it while she was going up the stairs. So I came over, kept Jessie from murdering her cat, cleaned the stairs, got her new clothes, found old Taekwondo pants and cut them for her, she sat in her shower and cleaned off while I moved things around downstairs, made her hard boiled eggs, got her coffee, fed the cat, and before I left I asked "An'thing mo' Miss Daisy?"

We got a good laugh at that. I understand her frustration because I am very independent and not like asking for help. Maybe that is why her spirit wanted this to happen. We are very similar in the respect that we are always on the move and do not know how to relax. And when things like this happen we question "Why did this happen to me?" etc etc etc. But my answer was very simple. "If these things didn't happen to us, I'd have nothing to blog about!" She agreed with a laugh!

Yours in service,

1 comment:

  1. I have no way of showing you my gratitude through this adventure. Or anyone else that has been bringing me food, offering to help or just stopping in to check in on me.

    As for you, I thought I could live without you in my life but there are forces stronger then I. Thanks for being there for me and Ken once again. It felt good to have you both holding my hand through the reduction process. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You.
