Thursday, January 26, 2012

Making Progress!

"Progress is the key to motivation"

It's almost a month since I began my countdown of six months training to the big 4th Degree test. I wanted to start the new year with new habits, new environment, and new perspective. And I am happy to report that I am happy with the progress. When we see ourselves making progress, we get motivated. We acknowledge we are getting better, and we are making a difference for ourselves. 

I have been working on the basic blocks which are found in the core of all our Taekwondo forms and new style forms as well. When the basics of the basics are cleaned up, everything above them improve as well. The basics are like a house's foundation, as my old master would say. If the foundation is weak, the house will crumble. If the foundation is strong, you can continually build on top of it. 

I am so happy in my new apartment and having my old routine back again. I have the best room mate ever, I am getting sleep again, I am eating healthy, I am doing all my workouts (with the few exceptions of car trouble and friend's broken ankles) but I still make up the workouts that get interfered with. And the progress I thought would take a few months took weeks. I am REALLY happy about that. And doing my old mental training again is awesome. I just finished a book on Self-Image and another on Self-Esteem. Going to read one on Self-Confidence soon. 

I am also making a lot of effort to have time with the mentors. As of this week, I have made the commitment to be at Master Bardatsos's to spar EVERY Wednesday! I was there last night and in such a small amount of time I learned soooo much and got a good workout. Little things of how ot totally transform my kicks and when I am supposed to be "taking a break" in between rounds, I am on the side just moving around in the air. I see in the corner of my eye Master Bardastsos is watching me. He then came up to me and said definintely "Halfway through the year, you're going to understand this game so much better than you ever have before," he promises. "You'll do very well. You pick up very fast. You'll see."

Master Bardatsos has NO IDEA how much those 12 seconds of encouragement meant to me. To have that definite tone in his voice that he really believes I'll do well if I keep to my course, and acknowledgment from this Olympic coach is a treasure! As a mentor, he encourages me, he pushes the envelope, and he gives me direction. And I really am feeling better. Of course, the biggest part is the conditioning of being relaxed! I also sparred a new person last night who was awesome! He did a back kick and was an inch away from my nose! It was great!
Tomorrow I get to work with Lisa and then Saturday I go to Rockaway to see Master DeJesus, then Sunday I travel to Spotswood to see Master Balon. So I get some serious mentor time this weekend. Gotta meet with Charlene too. Getting better with those push ups! And I am seeing a difference too. Even with the weights and push ups that I thought I'd be taking some time before moving on with, I feel I am ready to start challenging myself more. 

So the forward momentum is picking up and I am happy with the progress! I am getting more and more motivated and will only continue to be doing greater things! Masterhood, here I come!

Yours in service,

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