Friday, January 6, 2012

The Highest Potential Seminar

What better experience is there than to actually work WITH one of your mentors? What an awesome that experience that would be! To actually put together the skills the mentor and the men-tee in a collaborative piece of work. TO have the mentor put you in a position to apply what they train you in. To have the opportunity to share with others what you learn, and to help others.

Well I am going to get just that! My mental training/spiritual mentor is Professor Lisa Sargese. We met back in 2008 when I took her Intro to Religion Class at Montclair State University. I knew right from the get-go, she was an awesome person, and a master educator. I pinned her as someone I wanted to be close with and have guide me to learning the things I really wanted to know. We kept in touch here and there and then really reconnected June 10, 2011. Since then we've had a growing friendship and she has been mentoring me once again as the professor with new skills on my way to becoming a master instructor in martial arts.

The things I have learned from her are absolutely priceless! Spiritual lessons, healing arts, essential oils, hypnosis, nutritional healing, and psychology. I am actually getting the college degree without the degree, you can say. I cannot even put a price on the value of what I am learning from her, and the amazing results from applying the information with myself and others. So we have put together a seminar to share this great information, and to help others reach their highest potential to becoming a healthier and better person.

This seminar will give a lot of phenomenal nutritional information. Lisa will also have the chance to tell her story as well. And she has an amazing story and I remember hearing it back in 2008, and it was one of the reasons I loved her and respected her so much. Not afraid to show and share her struggles and tell the world how to take care of yourself, Lisa survived weight loss surgery and knows all the do's and don'ts of how to take care of yourself. She has learned from the best of the best and has had some phenomenal victories as a result of this information we will be sharing. She has cured herself of anemia, and I believe she has her diabetes under control. She is metabolically reconstructing herself, no matter what the challenge. A true Black Belt of her own kind.

We will also talk about the essential oils, that have done amazing things for myself and for others. We want to give people the chance to hear some awesome testimonials and experience the oils that very day. We may even make our own blends that will be customized for people's needs. And we will do an hour of hypnosis to help people with weight management, good habits, goals setting, and quit smoking. To have the chance to do this and have the opportunity to help others is so exciting. And it will be at my own school at Trento's Martial Arts and Fitness Center on January 15th at 1PM!

But I am also thrilled to have the chance to actually work with my personal mentor. I can only imagine how Bob Hope felt working with his mentor Jack Benny, or how Carol Burnett felt working with Lucille Ball, or how Michael Jackson felt dancing with James Brown. That's how I feel having the chance to work with Lisa! I am so excited, and am even more excited to share the wonderful things we have to offer to people, and to continue to work with people afterward and hearing the great results they will have.

Yours in service,

P.S Anyone interested in the Highest Potential Seminar can call 201-203-0773 or email at Pre-Registration is $50, of $65 at the door.

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