Friday, August 5, 2011

Don't Stop Believing!

Last week I went to a Broadway play with a friend to see Rock of Ages. For the record, I LOVED IT! And the finale was Journey's song Don't Stop Believing which a lot of people are familiar with when it was remade from that TV Glee. I really enjoyed the play very much, but I really really liked the last Journey song and of course, it got me thinking.

How many people do we know stop believing? Believing in anything? Dreams? Goals? Friends? Family? God? Themselves? People unfortunately in our society always come up with a reason to stop believing in anything. And before you know it, they give up on all hope of anything.

My old martial arts school's motto was Believe and Succeed, Attitude is Everything. I am only going to talk about the first part. Believe and Succeed. I think that really is the truth. When you believe in something on every level o your being, you will succeed at whatever it is you set out to do. Too many people around you though, or people in general are pessimistic and think they are being "realists" and that whatever you believe in cannot be done. Many people thought I could not open my on martial arts school. I was just there yesterday!=P

Don't ever let anyone talk you out of things you want to do! If you look at my last post and watch the video I have there, can you imagine if all those people listened to their peers who said they couldn't do what they wanted and stopped believing? Imagine if Lucille Ball said "Oh well I'm not funny and can't act. I'll give up." Can you imagine if Thomas Edison believed his was stupid and gave up on trying to make the light bulb? Can you imagine if Walt Disney believed the people who fired him that told him he had no imagination? I mean COME ON!

I had many people tell me I could never open my own martial arts school and I am proud to say it's been over a year and I have a blast every time I am there! So all I have to say to you all: DON'T STOP BELIEVING!!!!! HOLD ON OT THAT FEEEEEELINGG!!!!!!!!

Yours in service,

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