Monday, August 8, 2011

You get what You Think PERIOD

I have learned a great deal about focus through my martial arts training. There are many different levels of focus, but I am going to hare with you the most important type of focus I think there is. I learned this when I was seventeen and it had totally changed my view of things completely in my life, and it is sometimes a struggle to keep in mind, but as always, practice makes better.

Your mind is your greatest weapon, if used correctly. If you program your mind with negative things, your dominant thoughts of negativity will always override any positive solutions to your life. If you program your mind to have dominant thoughts of success, joy, happiness, those will become your reality. Your actions, choices, words are all determined by your dominant thoughts. Beauty is, you can always reprogram your mind.

If I asked my mind a question I will also get an answer. If I asked myself, "Why am I so stupid?" The mind will answer. However, if I asked the mind, "Why am I so smart?" I will STILL get an answer. My question to you: What is the better question to ask?

Obviously the second question. But how many of us are aware of what we say to ourselves? Your mind gives you what you focus on period. The first question was focused on "stupid." The second was focused on "smart." Regardless of which question I asked, I will get an answer based on whatever the focus is.

If I had a radio that was not working properly, and I kept asking "Why is this not working?" And continued to ask that question, what is the focus on? NOT WORKING! SO the answer I will always get will be my radio not working! But I changed my question to "How can I fix this?", the focus is now on FIX THIS. You WILL guaranteed to have an answer to FIXING it, because the mind will find it!  The psychology behind this is absolutely amazing!

Sometimes there are answers around us, and we don't truly see the answers because our focus is on what we don't want. So therefore, we always get what we don't want. But once we change our views and thinking, what was just background before, now pops out at you as you answer!

If I said "Don't fall, don't fall.." I always fall. Once I started saying "Keeps steady, keep steady..." I was always in control. It is time we take control of our thoughts and be aware of our language. I was taught that the most powerful words in the English language are I AM. Whatever comes after that is your reality, because it is your dominant thought and affects your actions, decisions, and words that make it true.

In my cardio class tonight, someone said "I am just not coordinated!" You know what? The more that person says it, the more that will be true, and the mind and body will follow. If someone says "I am just an impatient person," that person will always be an impatient person. If someone says "I am so fat," that person shall always view themselevs and other people will also view them as fat.

I get so annoyed when people say things like "Well that's how I am!" and "hat's just me!" Well it doesn't HAVE to be that way! People are making the choice to focus on those things and that is what will happen. i knew of a woman who was 200 pounds, and every day she said "I am 120 pounds," and by saying it every day, she acted, ate, and walked like a 120 pound person would. Her actions, choices, and words brought her to being exactly what she said she was.

So if we changed what we said about ourselves and say things like "I am happy," "I am successful," "I am athletic," "I am coordinated," "I can do this," "I am likable," "I am flexible," "I am patient," then we can truly be amazed our the results and change our lives! But as always, you have the free will to make your own choice. The skeptics will say that this will never work because their whole life they never saw how positive thiking worked! Well that is because they did not know how to focus on what they wanted, and focused on only what they didn't want. Regardless, you get what you focus on PERIOD!

Wayne Dyer once said : "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change."

Yours in service,

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