My Grandma Cyn turned 83 years old on Sunday! She is in fantastic shape! You would think she is 15-20 years younger the way she lives her life! She drives, goes up and down stairs, watches horror films till two in the morning, and she is an awesome Grandma. I can write an entire book on my Grandma Cyn, and am thinking about doing that seriously. Most people who know me know ALL my Grandma Cyn stories, to the point where they think they actually met her.
I tell stories about her that I know of, even if I wasn't around or born! Why? Because they capture the true essence of wonderful life of my grandmother! A lot of laughs, she is like my real-life Lucy. And then my favorite aunt, her daughter, the famous (or infamous, depending on the day =P) Aunt Karen. When the two of them are together, you wish you had a tape recorder because you just can't re-enact the conversations and situations properly. Very much like The Golden Girl's Dorothy and Sophia.
Well here is the latest story! ON her birthday Sunday, Aunt Karen and Grandma went to the Christmas Tree Shop store, and Grandma found this spice carousel of ten spices. She really wanted, remembered hers was wobbly and thought "Oooh! I'm gonna get this!" and she put it in her carriage. When Aunt Karen saw, she said "NO, put it back!" Grandma argued she wanted it and that she can't tell her what to do. Aunt Karen continued her argument, "You don't need it!" Grandma insisted that hers at home was wobbly and she needed to replace it.
"You're not buying it, because I AM NOT RETURNING IT!" Aunt Karen argued she only would use three of the ten spices. Grandma said, at least five. Then Grandma said "Well if you don't let me buy it, my daughter-in-law (my mother) will let me!" Aunt Karen responds "No she won't! I won't let her! I'm gonna tell her no! I'll kick her ass!" SO finally Grandma put it back and was so annoyed she threw her carriage aside, mumbled how she won't need it since she won't buy it.
Well Grandma's annoyance with Aunt Karen continued on the car ride to their lunch and then back at Aunt Karen's house, the cabinet doors were open in her kitchen and Grandma accidentally hit her head on one of the doors. She was even more annoyed that she kept them open, and Aunt Karen explained, apologetically that she wasn't finished putting dishes away. Then out of no where Grandma said "That's because I didn't buy that carousel!" Comedic timing at it's best maybe?
After the competition I went home where the birthday party was taking place. I heard this story which took all of five minutes to hear. But the topic of the carousel went on for the rest of the night in the most comedic way possible. Aunt Karen would ask, "Can I have another piece of pizza, honey?" Grandma would chime in "If I had my carousel I could offer you pepper." Or, "I bought this shirt just for ten dollars!" and Grandma would say "You know, this carousel my daughter wouldn't let me buy was $9.99!"
Every time she brought up with her jabs, We would just burst into laughter. ALL OF US. It got to the point where I would bring it up out of no where just to get that reaction because it was just soooooo funny. We would finish one conversation, then Grandma would come out of no where saying "SO! This carousel....blah blah blah" and Aunt Karen would bust out laughing. Then she pointed at another table "Ma, those people really want to talk to you, go over there why don't ya? Go ahead!" Then the obscene gestures came, and it only added to the good nature of the "ha Ha" of this damn carousel story.
Then the other family members were asking, "Why didn't you just let her buy it?" And Aunt Karen stood up and stamped her foot and said "Because when she dies and leaves the damn thing to me, I am going to throw the damn thing out the window!" Then Grandma says "All I know is, I am going to heaven and the carousel is going with me!" The laughs continued! It was like watching a whole comedy routine being played out. All we did was laugh at the back and forth jabs. I am laughing out loud just typing it.
Thanksgiving Day, I made a few stops I do every year and I got home where Aunt Karen and Grandma Cyn were already there. What were they talking about? You guessed it. This damn carousel! The entire night! By the end of the night, Grandma Cyn is describing the carousel to someone and my mother walks in and begins crying laughing, holding her stomach, "You're still talking about this carousel?!" But the topic just never got old for us. And neither did the entertainment that came with it.
My Grandma Cyn has always brought a lot of laughter into our lives. Her life is an open book because I make it that way. I share Grandma with everyone whether they meet her personally or not, because the laughter in her life is what has kept her so young. And I am so glad Aunt Karen didn't let her buy this carousel, because I'd miss out on another Grandma Cyn story to tell!
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Grandma Cynthia Trento |
Yours in service,
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