Monday, November 14, 2011

Cat-Like Relflexes to Life

In my old apartment, downstairs lived a cat named Digger. Digger was the most awesome cat in the world! he was the cleanest and smartest cat you could imagine. He would sneak upstairs all the time to see me, and hang out in my apartment. He ALWAYS ran in when I opened the door to walk in. This cat took shower every day, I swear it thought it was a human being!

Living in that apartment, I spend a lot of time with Digger and Digger represented something to me which not many people really realized. Digger represented, for me, strength and stability. Why is that? Because he was a cat. Now, many people who know me and know Digger would probably say, "Wow Trento, that is a real stretch there." Well I have a perfectly good explanation!

If any living thing fell from a great height, they would probably fall onto the ground with a great big THUD or even ricochet off the ground. But not cats. Think about it. When a cat falls from a high distance, how does it land? A cat lands stiff and strong on all four of it's legs. That is how I feel a lot of times. I am like a cat. When I fall, I always land on all fours, strong and stiff. it my hurt at first but I am stable, even if I think I am not.

I miss seeing Digger, but I think about him a lot, and mention him a lot. Don't get me wrong, Sadie is my number one, but Digger meant something in a different part of my life. He taught me how to be a cat when it comes to times in life when you fall. Land on all fours!

Yours in service,

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