Friday, November 11, 2011

An Anniversary to Remember

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. "
-Walt Disney

Today is my three year anniversary since my master and I went our separate ways. I approach the day with a mix of different feelings. I will never forget three years ago today, I can still go through the day in full detail as if it only happened yesterday. I had planned on staying with my old school for years and years to come and nothing ever stopped me from my goals with my school and to continue my training with my master. But my master had his own agenda, and the truth of the matter is, he didn't really care about me.

I always knew this though, when he let Kristin go in 2005. I remember thinking, "What he did to her, he can do to me." People often ask me, even some of my mentors, how did I last that long there? Well partly for my students. As an instructor I had a great sense of obligation for them, especially the ones I taught with Kristin. And two, (I didn't know it at the time) but spirit told me my training was not quite done with my old master. And truly it wasn't, because my new training really set the foundation and gave me a great direction to what was to come later on.

My old master despised how well-liked I was by his clients and how close I was with the families. I also didn't like I was friends with them as well. Some of the students I was only a few years older than anyway, like Robert and Frankie. And I grew up with them as well! So all of a sudden he tried taking these things away from me, and tried controlling my life outside the school. This just so happened after I was living on my own, and another person became qualified to teach classes. Again, timing.

But I made a a choice. A choice I do not regret and I think says a lot about who I am. I know what is right and wrong. And I chose true friendship, my family, over the demands of my master. The students' parents one by one confronted my master and voiced their opposition and told him it wasn't his place. I was so grateful and still am to this day for their support. But he found another way, and created loop holes, stole an email and letter between me and a few others to provide as "proof" I am contacting outside the school and used it s his reasons to let me go. He no longer wanted me as an employee OR a student.

But I did something no one else did (or at least I think)-- I fought. The warrior went to war with the master who thought it was clear cut. I threw everything he ever taught me to his face, and he didn't use ANY of it. I knew he wouldn't, an I knew he wouldn't change his mind. But I had true validation of who he was. When I left, I don't know how I was driving because I was still beyond devastated. I went to my friend Robert's house and I was vry quiet. I am in uniform and they were talking about God only knows what. They just got back from school.

Then finally hey asked me what was on my mind, I was too quiet. I told them very briefly, "I got fired today..." I looked up and saw Briana's face (Robert's sister), that is when I lost it. The first reaction from someone who heard. I will never forget what her face was, and she gave me this big hug, and I sobbed uncontrollably. Not a minute later did their mother come in, she thought someone died. Someone asked Robert how I was that day and I will never forget his answer: "Do you know what it's like seeing the strongest person you know look so vulnerable?"

I of course thought the world was ending. It was my world. my past, present, and future. The thought was unbelievable for me. I was in bed wishing so hard that it was a bad dream, and I never do things like that. But I hoped and prayed. But it was what it was. I only told Robert and his family. Well I was getting phone calls left and right, even from people who I haven't spoken to for years knew the news and the story. I couldn't believe the response and reaction and how far spread the news went. A cumulative of ten years worth of people came out of the wood work to know what happened to Mr. Trento.

Like I said earlier, I do not regret my decision. I chose my family over the wrongful demands of my old master. He had more negative consequences than me anyway in the long run. I look back three years ago today and is amazing how we think our world just collapses on us. But I look at myself today....I owe my old master the biggest thank you ever. I received my 3rd Degree Black Belt, learned how to start, open up, and run my own business, I am in my second year of running my own martial arts school and fitness center, I am being mentored by the best professionals in all aspects of my training, I am in the competition field again, I learned more forms and styles than I ever did with him, I have my own students who I love so much, and former students have come back to me as well, and I am testing for my 4th Degree Black Belt sooner than if I were with him.

The greatest thing that ever happened to me was leaving my old school and leaving my old master. Don't get me wrong, not a day goes back where I don't think about my old master. He taught me such amazing things, even if he himself could not live it or apply it, he influenced me a great deal, and I am eternally grateful for it. He is attributed for the directions I chose to take. And as Sifu told me yesterday, all masters should be happy and proud that their students took all they can from them and make it something of their own and better! That is what masters should want!

Even if he is a hypocrite and a disappointment, he is the foundation to where I continued to build on top of. So I say today: CHEERS! Happy Anniversary, Sir! And Thanks!

Yours in service,

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