Thursday, November 24, 2011


"It is our wish on this Thanksgiving day that you take a moment to look at all you have and know deep in your heart that it is enough.The fact that you can read this message, enjoy good food, listen to the stories of friends and family and take in the deep aroma of a delicious meal means that you are truly living, and for that we all should be thankful. So enjoy this and every day as if it is your last, so that the true joy of family and friends will remain in your heart each day that you live...With love..."
-Sifu Pedro Cepero Yee

This was the text message sent to me from the person I will be calling master after my 4th Degree Black Belt test. Sifu set the tone for today's holiday. He reminds us what we are truly supposed to be thankful for: LIFE. Life is a gift. And to use our senses to experience Life is ALSO a gift. If we are able to use the eyes God has given us to read this very blog, the ears to hear our loved ones' laughter and words, to smell delicious food that we all devoured today, we can experience things in Life that bring us joy.

Nothing should ever be expected and nothing should ever be taken for granted. Your family who loves you. Your friends who are extensions of your family should be treated like gold every time you come in contact with them, and cherish every moment you share wit them. They are beacons of light for you in times of darkness, and we must always be grateful for the light we have in our lives.

Always acknowledge the wonderful things in your life and allow gratitude to fill up your heart! And remember to be thankful even for the little things. I am very thankful for having my school go into it's second year, I am thankful for wonderful students and parents who support my school, I am thankful for my family whom I share life with, I am thankful for the friends who have been with me in the most difficult times and the most joyous times, and I am grateful for the mentors helping reach the next stage of my life. And today, during my cardio class in the morning, I made sure my BE THANKFUL candle was burning!

"If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul."
-Professor Lisa Sargese
Yours in service,

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