Monday, December 12, 2011

Follow Your Calling Against Ego

"I would say that the best way to begin to figure out who you are really meant to be is to ask the universe, God, that question. God, how can I be used in service to myself first and how can I then use that service to serve the world. Use your life to serve the world and you will find that it serves you.One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they think they have to paid a lot of money or get paid anything to honor their calling. You must honor your calling whether you are paid for it or not. When you honor it the calling in your life, it feeds everything else into your life. It makes everything better for you."
-Oprah Winfrey

I was over Kristin's house with my god-dogger Sadie and the TV was on. Most people who know me, I do not watch television. But I was flipping through the channels and what do I run into but the OWN channel, which stands for Oprah Winfrey Network. O.M.G.

A show was on called Oprah's Lifeclass. I LOVED the show. Apparently, it is like a show where Oprah gives these life lessons that she has learned form her experiences of life and people who have touched her that she has met through her 25 years on her talk show, etc. I had the opportunity to watch two episodes and the first episode was on Listening to your Life's Calling, and the second episode was about the False Power of Ego. Two awesome topics!

In the episode of following your calling, people just BEING WHO THEY ARE brings great joy and happiness, like Lady Gaga, not afraid to express or share her joy in what she does. Many people love her for the messages he sends out of being true to yourself and setting yourself free. Oprah says that following your calling sets you free and good things follow.

I know Oprah Winfrey's story pretty well. She was a news reporter and was miserable for years. She stayed in the job and her father pushed her to stay even though she was happy. She was 22, making $22,000 a year and her father kept saying "Where else are you gonna make that kind of money at your age?" and blah blah blah. She was also pretending to be someone she was not. She always tells the story how she pretended to be Barbara Walters. It wasn't until she decided to be a better OPRAH than a better Barbara did life fall into place.

Years ago when I learned to teach, I was trying so hard to be my master. i did the same thing as Oprah. Once I chose to be a better ME than a better version of my master, I excelled in my teaching and in my training. All good things followed, and continued to follow. When she was taken off the 6:00 news, Oprah said t was the best thing that ever happened to her, although at the time it seemed like the world was coming down on her. The same with me, best thing that ever happened to me was me getting fired, and at the time I thought the world was ending. Well if Oprah wasn't taken off the 6:00 news, she would never have had the opportunity to have her own talk show and now today she owns an entire network! And she made a living BEING HERSELF. If I was never fired, I never would have began my own martial arts school, and I be myself everyday!

I remember watching an interview with Oprah saying she would ask God to use her. She didn't know how, but just "USE ME" she would pray. Well God and spirit worked together and brought her to television where she was used to do more than just talk, but she inspired and helped millions of people in ways you could not even imagine. God has used me through martial arts to do similar works, and I am only in the beginning to what I can really be doing. She said we are all beacons of light for one another, use your life to serve the world."

Oprah talked in the second episode how she thought her weight and her identification of her form was an attachment of what kind of person she was. Ego can be deceptive and an impostor imposing on the real you and making you think you are something you really are not. She told the audience to close their eyes an see the thoughts you are having, and see that silence when you are observing your thoughts, that is your TRUE self looking in on your ego self. "Understanding the ego is having the awareness of your true self and ego self." 

Often what holds us back and keeps us from being who we really are meant o be is our ego. it can block our success, our view of our selves, and what we can do in this world. We cannot have ego take us away or distract us from finding our calling in life. I learned a lot about ego from Master DeJesus, one of my mentors, and I think there really is a lesson in knowing TRUE SELF and EGO. But he truth will set us free. Truth on situations, truth of ourselves, and the sense of who we are in situations with ourselves and with others can help keep our focus and broaden our lives in finding our calling and to live fully and faithfully.

Yours in service,

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