Monday, October 10, 2011

Child-Like Wonder

Every year, family friends of mine have a birthday gathering at their house and it is always the true beginning for fall for me. The same group gets together every year and each year we have a blast! We've gotten together like this for four years. Each year we eat plenty, play games that have us holding our stomach laughing, and always have a BIG bonfire. But at the same time, each year I, personally, had some issue I was dealing with at the time and tears were always shed at one point. And of course being with friends, that comfrt and safety was always felt. But guess what? This year: none!

Four years ago, it was on the eve of right before I lost my job, the eerie feeling of the winds changing and a storm a brewing. The year after that, dealing with almost a year after losing my job, and us burning old memorabilia as a symbolic way of letting go, emotional nonetheless. And last year, a former acquaintance who is no longer in my life, causing  discomfort in my life (although I did not realize it at the time). So hence we come to this year! And we did NOTHING but laugh, smile, and be merry!

We sat together and talked, I laid on this new hammock she had between two trees, the weather was AMAZING! Best weather in four years! Not a cloud in the sky, all blue! Sun shone, not cold at all, sun braking through the trees, not too warm, we sat around in chairs exchanging stories and laughs, we ate....ate....ATE.....and ATE!!!! They knew I was coming-- lol! And the food is ALWAYS delicious!

And we had our biggest bonfire yet out of all the years we've done so! Actually this year a newly dug fire pit was made and wood and old broken boards from our breaking classes were used and we made s'mores, told scary stories, danced silly, we just had a great great time. I always do, but this year there was just that little something that was different. The absence of dramatic problems! Just that sense of having fun and nothing but fun. Enjoying EVERYONE's company, and feeling like I used to feel.

How did I used to feel? Well, my friend Nina used to describe me in this way: Andrew Trento can be as mature as a forty year old, but as excited as a ten year old. LOL! I always loved her description of me in that way! Because As all business I can be, I could also be like a little kid who is care-free and just want to have fun. When one song played, I jumped up and started shimmying, just to be silly, and shake my hips, do the "Egyptian" dance; I got all excited for the s'mores and ran up first to get a stick for my marshmallows, I was like a little kid.

One of my best friends, Jessie, was also there. And the two of us, when we get together, we try to keep our child-like wonder alive all the time! When we want to have fun, we have no cares about dancing in the streets like morons or jumping up and down when we see something that we like, or be spontaneous and do something when when everyone else would be embarrassed. I used to always say "I'll never see these people again!" and not have a care in the world. A lot of people would remember those things about me.

Well if there is one favorite thing of mine from yesterday it was this: jumping on the trampoline. I tell you, if I ever became five years old again, it was that moment. I was fighting the eight and nine year olds to have a turn, and when I did, I was jumping like no tomorrow! I jumped and jumped and jumped! I landed on my butt and bounced back! Sometimes I didn't bounce back, I brought my knees up high to my chest, I tried flipping and failing, I did double front kicks in the air, and the best part--I WAS HAVING FUN!! It was that child-like wonder that just kept me SOOOOO ALIVE!!!!!

When I have my child-like wonder moments, it amazes me how people even younger than I roll their eyes and become cynical! Oh my gosh! Live a little! Let go! Have fun! Wow....what a great lesson! Reference point for me maybe? Point is, never lose your child-like wonder. It brings out the best in you, the fun in you, you learn to enjoy the MOMENT, and it brings a lot of great times and laughs, especially if you're with some awesome people like I was with last night! So go jump on that trampoline!!!

Yours in service,

1 comment:

  1. As you know I have had my share of reasons to cry and loose my way and finally seems to be coming around. And last night being with all of you, young and old was awesome. I feel privileged to be invited and every time feel so welcomed. I love to be in such company that teaches me how to leave adult life by the wayside for a brief period and just laugh and be child-like without worries or care.
    I have to admit I am a little jealous of Jerry's quick wit and Corey's ability to chop wood. They are such gracious host that I had to hug them both last night as I said good night. We need more get together s with all of these people that touch our life and make us laugh!!!!!
