Friday, October 21, 2011

Warrior's Battle with Self

"Warriors take chances. Like everyone else, they fear failing, but they refuse to let fear control them."
-Ancient Samurai saying

I am a warrior, and have been a warrior for many years. My battles have been many, but my battles have been vast. My most difficult battles as a warrior are the ones I have with myself. One my journey to becoming a master and living the life of a candle, I search through physical avenues, philosophical avenues, and spiritual avenues to grow. But I have also been taught that knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power. We can know everything in the world, but it will do nothing for us unless we use it.

I am making great progress in some things, and other things I struggle and get frustrated. But I have a plan! I have always had a plan. My plans always work. My plans give me direction. When the plans change or get modified, they still lead me to the end result I need. SO I guess that is why as frustrated as I am, I am not worried. 

When I was a 2nd Degree Black Belt, my training took a very big turn for the better. I began a mental training outline that skyrocketed my physical training. And the organization and clarity in my training was awesome! In 2007, I began a training portfolio which I continued to do to this day. I would log EXACTLY what I did every day, made up these training cycles and schedules, balanced my curriculum training, sparring training, and fitness training, as well as the mental. I took notes EVERY time I trained or took a class, and the drills I would do no human being would sanely agree to do. Everything flowed, and progress was inevitable. 

Then when I left my old master and school, it was a very difficult time and I had a few months pause in my physical training, I gained a lot of weight, and I ate terribly. Then August 2009 I chose to begin my training again and get serious. Oh it was a struggle then too. And I was discouraged as the state I was in and thought I really couldn't d what I used to. But lo and behold, by end of October going into November and on, I finally got into my routine and made great progress. By that January and on, I was in such a great flow of motion in my training and ended up being in the greatest shape of my life. 

When TMAFC opened, I was balancing training and running a new business. I figured it out, but training was a little inconsistent  in Sept-Oct of 2010. Then I got back on track. Then with a lot of personal trauma nine months ago, I've been dealing with a lot more on a deeper level and the need to apply my mental training was even more important. I have made progress like doing things for me like my training with Charlene in the summer, reading books I wanted to read, and doing my pictures again. But now the training.

I'm training but inconsistent or what I would render NOT up to the standards and expectations I hold for myself. But I have completely new solutions to keep my momentum going. So these are my goals: I want to be able to wake up easily at 6AM and begin my training at 7. I am going to keep up with my training cycles and Mon, Wed, and Fri do a two hour workout from 7-9 working on Curriculum, Legs, and Core. Tues and Thurs and Sat Sparring training and speed/agility. Every day I will also have an hour and half for what I call my mental training, reading or application of what I learn for psychological and spiritual purposes. Then another hour workout later either lifting the weights or cardio kickboxing. 

For everything I do I have set goals and drills I must accomplish and continue to teach me. But the biggest thing is to have the will power and discipline I once had with my eating habits. I don't care how much I workout, the eating badly puts me in such a bad state, and symbolizes much that I do need. So through goal setting, motivation, hypnosis, and proper programming, I WILL accomplish these things. Starting Monday, I am gonna giv myself that boost and keep with it! 

Yours in service,

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