Friday, October 7, 2011

What Makes a Black Belt?

I have been a part of over thirty Black Belts tests in almost fourteen years. No Black Belt test has ever been the same, because no two people are the same. I have seen Black Belt tests with several people, not too many people, solo, groups, you name it. I, myself, have taken seven Black Belt tests, which I think I will blog about soon, and I have also conducted five Black Belt tests at my own school. Each one of these tests, a new experience and a new lesson always there to be learned.

And of course I cry at every test. It's true! Not because I'm in pain or something is too hard. Because I am so proud. I am so proud of the people testing and when I take them I am proud of what I accomplish. But what makes a Black Belt a Black Belt? Is it that they can be very strong? Is it that they can beat people up? If is that they can defend themselves? Is it that they can break a thousand boards at once?

No. A Black Belt is more than that. A Black Belt is not just the piece of cloth  that goes around your waist either. It is what is in your mind and in your heart. it is the way you live your life, and it is the way you make contact with the people around you. The skills and values of a Black Belt are integrity, respect, determination, perseverance, that never giving up attitude, focus, thinking outside the box, qualities that make you a well rounded individual and qualities that make this world a better place.

I have met, trained with, and produced such Black Belts. And when I meet them, I say to comfort to all people who say they worry about where this world is going to end up, there is hope. And we'll be okay. When we do the Black Belt testing, we push them physically beyond their limits, through a physical avenue. Thousands of jumping jacks, speed drills, sparring, challenges, etc. It's those same skills that they demonstrate to accomplish those tasks that they use in the real world that truly make them a Black Belt. Not whether or not they can break a whole of boards or beat someone up.

Some people will look at someone and make a judgment call, "Oh they're a Black Belt? I doubt it." No one can make those judgments. You never know what they can do or what they have been through. The true essence of a Black Belt does not derive from their physical abilities, but their mental and emotional abilities. And those mental and emotional abilities are what allows the Black Belt to accomplish things physically that would surprise even themselves.

So to all the Black Belts I know, to the Black Belts I have met, the Black Belts I have trained and trained with, and the Black Belts I have produced, I am so proud of you ALL!

Yours in service,

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