Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dinner with the Mentor

I had mentor time with Master DeJesus this past Sunday. Four years ago, we met when I was testing for 3rd Dan and he was testing for 4th. Master DeJesus was so welcoming and warm when I met him. Encouraging and motivating with a light hearted air about him. I was also so impressed with his self-defense demonstration where I first witnessed Haganah. When I met him at Master Balon's school I remember saying two things: 1) this guy is going to teach me this Haganah stuff, and 2) I just made a friend for life. And that was the truth.

I have always said, if I could be anyone in the world, I'd like to be half the man Master DeJesus is, and I mean it. As a martial artist, he is strong and fierce yet kind and humble. He has many of the qualities I hold in high regard for a master. He continuously educates himself in the martial arts, he loves what he does and you can see his passion, he cares very much for his students and looks to push their potential and make them better and better. And like me, he is always updating his curriculum book.

This past Sunday I was over at his school with one of his long time students and one of my high ranking students, Andrew, to go over all of the open hand Haganah defenses. After a couple hours of training which I absolutely loved, we were invited over for dinner by his wife Annabelle. I have never been over the DeJesus's home, and we graciously accepted their invitation.

We had such a good time! Food was great but the company was even greater! We just spent hours talking, sharing stories, and laughing. Both he and his wife are such good people with such good hearts and were so welcoming and so much fun to be with. I found myself stepping outside of myself and just being so grateful to being in the presence of these wonderful people.

You know, we need to cherish all the moments we have where we are with people who love life and have good hearts. The DeJesus's are definitely a pair of people whose company I treasure very much. I knew when I met Master DeJesus I found a friend for life in him, and I really felt that great feeling of friendship from a fellow martial artist, and a fellow human being who's passion and heart are as strong as his values as a master. I have the utmost respect for he and his wife and the deepest gratitude for them welcoming me and Andrew to the home. And a even greater gratitude for their friendship! (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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