Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Four Generations of Mentors

It is always great to meet the mentors of your own mentors. I have quite an entourage of seven mentors who help me further my training and life (the master is a category of his own). One of those mentors is Professor Lisa Sargese, professor of religion and psychology. I have had the privilege of meeting quite a number of mentors of Lisa's, who also have a little less than a dozen mentors herself. At Lisa's First Holy Communion, many of the mentors were present, which was an honor in itself. But what about when the mentor's mentor comes to see YOU.

Last week, Professor Esmilda Abreu came to TMAFC with Lisa for a visit. I first met Esmilda when I did my first talk in Lisa's class at Montclair State University. Esmilda is a brilliant business minded entrepreneur and a certified Hypnosis Master under the National Guild of Hypnosis. This is the person that taught Lisa hypnosis. Esmilda is so fantastic at hypnosis that she has been able to hypnotize people who are allergic to anesthesia so they can go under surgery. Yeah, she's the real deal.

She is also very light hearted and you can feel nothing but positive energy coming from her!   Pleasant personalities are always a bonus with brilliant minds! I have had a few ideas for TMAFC and Lisa wanted her mentor to take a look and also the fact that Esmilda has NEVER been to TMAFC! I was so excited to see Esmilda come to my school!

I happened to be working in the back with Andrew, and Esmilda and Lisa came on in and I greeted her with a big hug! You can feel the massive Qi moving in the room! I was thrilled to have her see my school, and show her around, and hear some of the things she had to say. We bounced ideas off each other, I got to show her a little hypnosis, got to pick her brain about a few things, she shared some of her ideas with me as well, and we were just having fun letting our imaginations run wild!

Then before I could blink an eye, Samantha Volk came on in for a visit! (she saw Lisa's car and wanted to see her, not me XP--lol). And there we were all were in my office, Esmilda, Lisa, me, Samantha, and Andrew. Then Lisa said "We quite a line of mentor-ship here, don't we?" I looked around and kinda froze. I don't know why, but it was quite a moment there for me. "Yeah! We have four generations of mentoring here!" piped in Esmilda. Wooooooooooow. They were right!

Something about that kind of energy gave me a chill. It was positive! Don't misunderstand me. It was a thrilling, really cool, and very positive feel. I of course love my mentors unconditionally and hand picked each one. And any mentor of my mentors I have the utmost respect for. And then to have my own students meet the grandmentors, that's pretty awesome for me.

Lineages of all kinds are important to me. In martial arts, or any true craft, knowledge, wisdom, and skill is passed down. Right there in my little office was a massive amount of energy and wisdom and knowledge, and skill! It was an honor to have Esmilda at TMAFC and she is always welcome there. It is always a pleasure to have my own mentors, like Lisa, share what I am doing and working with them. And I am so proud of my students like Samantha Volk and Andrew Kranich who are always using some thing I have taught them in their lives, whether they realize it or now. I guess that magical experience I was having in that moment can be summed up in one word: Gratitude. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY I sent this link to Dr. Esmilda Abreu-Hornbostel the Queen Shyt Mentor of All (as I call her lol)! I'm sure she'll love the term "grandmentor"
