Thursday, April 25, 2013

Subbing at a College

My mentor, Professor Sargese, gave me an awesome opportunity last week. I had the opportunity to use my expertise to substitute a college class. The class was for physical education majors, sports psychology majors, mostly in that realm of students. The class was called Yoga, Meditation, and Relaxation. The professor of the class is a very well known, charismatic, and popular professor of the university and had asked Lisa to sub for him.

BUT! She had her interfaith talk she had to do which conflicted with the time. So she asked ME to start the class for her. She wanted me in my full uniform, which would be the first time I have ever been in uniform on the MSU campus, and use my expertise to profess to the class.

Having psychology training under my belt (no pun intended), I began the course with explaining basic psychology that I have studied since I was sixteen years old on the correlation of stress, relaxation, and organization. I discussed the concept of control in our minds, the conscious and subconscious mind, the importance of relaxation, and it's definitions. After about 15 minutes of theory, I decided to give them an experience of relaxation like no other: hypnosis!

I did the Progressive Relaxation Induction and then gave a small lecture on what hypnosis is, why is is important, how it can help, the purpose of doing it today, and relating it to the concept of relaxation. It took a good half hour to do the induction and a few positive suggestions and affirmations for relaxation purposes. About half way through, Lisa came in. I also used the Qi music that we use with Sifu.

I got some good feedback from the students, there must have been about 20 students or so in the classroom. The room was more of a Yoga studio (I didn't even know it was there at MSU to be honest!). Then I had Lisa talk a little bit and she introduced the concept of Qigong. I explained what Qigong was and the use of Qi/energy, how using it for meditative purposes and exercise can be beneficial. I did the Taoist Qigong that we have done with Sal for meditation, and I got a great response from that as well.

I had no doubts I could teach the class, and I wasn't nervous because I am very confident in the material. I could see myself teaching college courses like that. It's second nature to me. And I DO have my Masters Degree....four degrees martial arts! LOL! ;) It was a great opportunity and a lot of fun. Too bad there aren't any degrees in martial arts....maybe I'll make one !!! (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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