Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Student who Found ME

I have the best master of martial arts in the entire world. I have also seven phenomenal mentors who contribute to a part of me in my mastership training. I sought these mentors out and I have chosen them because they are the best ever. When I met Professor Sargese in 2008, I knew I wanted her to be my mental and spiritual mentor for my mental training. I told her I wanted her, and I got her. When I met Master Bardatsos when I was a kid training for my Black Belt test, I knew he was the only one who will get me to the level of Olympic sparring I want to get to. My friend George Valentino is stellar at Songahm Taekwondo in the ATA style of Taekwondo, and there is no one else I'd rather have to teach me this style than him!

When I met Master DeJesus at my Black Belt test and saw Haganah self-defense for the first time, I knew he was the one I wanted to learn it from. Now today I visit his school all the time to learn and be mentored. When I worked with Charlene at the gym, there was no one else in my mind I would have to push my physical limits. Entering the world of Chinese martial arts and learning what Qigong was all about, Sal is the best of the best. The powers that be that had led me to Master Balon knew that I only wanted the best. I found him and travel an hour away every month to learn from this great master.

Recently, I would wonder if anyone would seek me out to mentor them the way I sought out all these mentors myself. I get a great thrill learning from them, each with a phenomenal specialty in my training. Of course Sifu, being my master, is them all in one. And I work very hard on doing my best to be as well rounded as possible. But would there ever be a day in the future, years to come from now, that someone would find me like I found them? How cool would that be! Imagine to be considered a mentor at the caliber these people whom I hold in the highest regard are at!? One day....

Well lo and behold, I get a phone call one day from a young man. He was recommended to me by an 8th Degree Black Belt from down in North Carolina who reads my blog and I have had a few conversations with in the past. This young man wanted to continue with his martial arts training and was willing to drive all the way from Brooklyn to be taught from me after the recommendation this 8th Dan master gave. WOW! What an honor! I was flattered, and a bit nervous. Right away, the self-worth nerves come to the surface we all get when we enter a role we have really never been in before. We question whether we will hold up to the standards and expectations of the ones seeking out guidance from us.

This past Sunday after Qigong, the young man came all the way from Brooklyn, NY to have a lesson with me. He did Olympic style Taekwondo, and knew the Taeguek and WTF Taekwondo forms. That is a total of 11 forms. I thankfully know nearly 50 of the Taekwondo forms of all styles. I also trained in his style of sparring. So I felt confident that I would at least know his style.

I reviewed all his forms with him, and I thought of how I go to Master Balon's for lessons. What would he be doing with me? Well this person was not my student and wasn't taught by me, but I made a lot of suggestions, offered insight, gave him a variety of applications for his forms for understanding, held him accountable of being consistent based on his choice of style, told him the up-to-date material for his style, and welcomed debate, listened to what he had to say, left enough open ended space for him to make his own choices, and challenged his skill and mindset. His technique was phenomenal, but he had a little memorization to work on, which he knew coming in. Offering him drills and challenges, he was very pleased with the standards and expectations I layed out for him, based on his goals.

It was a relief to hear he wanted to schedule a return visit and that he was happy and pleasantly surprised with the information I was able to provide. He was very disappointed going to other schools in the past who were all about sweat, and not the art at all. He has a great heart and good intentions, and he loved how welcoming I was to him, and I reiterated how my doors (and mats) are always open to him. It felt really good to have been given that respect, and I felt really good what I was able to offer him.

Who would have thunk! Someone sought ME out to be a mentor!? I was only thinking a few weeks ago "I hope one day someone would seek me out like I did..." Little did I know...maybe I don't give myself enough credit. And this is not someone I know personally. Maybe that's what makes it different for me too. But no matter what, the mentoring that came from me was based on the great mentoring I myself have received and continue to receive to this day. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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