Monday, April 1, 2013

Qigong with Sifu

My master level training has been an experience like I never thought it would be. It's beyond magical and enlightening. Training with a master like Master Yee (Sifu) is an experience like no other, and a type of training I have waited my entire life to have. My training in Hung Ga Kung Fu has elevated my martial arts to an entire new level. It's expanded my awareness and knowledge on a physical level that when I return to my Taekwondo, it has been improved ten times over.

But besides martial arts, I am very keen on learning the healing arts with Sifu as well. That is why when he began "A Comprehensive Course in Qi" to learn Qigong Therapy, I jumped on the opportunity immediately. Not only am I taking the class to become a certified Qigong therapist, but my Black Belt Frankie is also taking the course with me and so is my own mentor Lisa.Upon completion of the course with a theoretical and practical exam, the three of us, along with other Qi-mates, will become certified Qigong Therapists under Sifu from the Center of Tuina and Qigong Therapy.

In this course we learn the fundamentals of Chinese medicine and how to use Qi for healing purposes and understanding spiritually how Qigong can help us. Qi is everything, it's universal life flow and the essence of all that is. It cannot be created nor destroyed, but can be cultivated, manifested, and moved. Objects are Qi, emotions are Qi, we are Qi. We can use our posture and movements to develop Qi, we can use our breathing with Qi, we can also move it through our body with our blood.

Understanding Chinese medicine is beyond fascinating, but application is even more fascinating. We learned the different classifications and functions of Qi to better understand it when using QI and dealing with it. We have discussed Shen, Qi, and Jing and discusses Yin and Yang Theory as a starting point when helping people with Qi. We are discussing the Five Elements Theory next week.

We have also begun Qigong movements and poses for spiritual Qigong, that puts energy into the three Dan Tiens and has the energy open and move through the meridians of the body. The warmth and the Qi flowing through the body is something I cannot yet describe to it's fullest, but it energizes and invigorates me. The hardest thing I have which I do every day is my meditation. It happens to be the VERY FIRST thing I ever done with Sifu when I first met him in July of 2011 (almost two years ago!).

It could be because I struggle in quieting my mind when the exterior of my life is challenging. It could be because I need a new level of focus. It could be because my focus is inconsistent. When I do it right, I feel the Qi around my body, hugging me almost, I can literally feel the electromagnetic energy surging through my body and learning to "breathe from my pore" which is an amzing experience when done correctly. The enitre experience has been amazing.

My training with Sifu is never ending. I see what I am learning now, and also understand as great as I will be learning all of this, it will be a great many years of study and application to get to the level of skill I want to be at and continuously build on top of it. I don't know what everyone else's agendas are in the course, but I know what mine are. This is a never ending process of learning and growing. I don't know if Sifu has or has had before anyone who wanted to learn as much as me, but I am committed to not only using this material but understanding it in it's fullest to helping people become the very best they can be. (BOWS)

Yours in service,

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